Tuesday, November 3, 2015

October Part 1

We "upgraded" some things on our computer, and it rendered our iphoto completely useless. Thus the lack of blogging recently. I was starting to get antsy, since this is the way I journal, and luckily, a really great guy from our ward just stopped by and fixed our problem. Aren't nice people the best? :)
So here's to catching up!

Taysom and one of her mission companions stayed the weekend with us to attend a mission reunion over conference weekend. Having people come and stay with us is a highlight of living in this valley. It's always good to see Taysom. And while they were here...

BOOOM. This is how we do conference. The past few conferences, Richie brings home a projector from work and we watch it, big screen style, in the front room.

We took a day trip to Manti when Richie had a few days off work. We were getting ready to have our yearly placement interview with the higher ups, so we decided if we are going to be serious about requesting to live in a small town, we'd better be ready to put our money where our mouth is. We thought the Manti are would be a nice place to live, and Richie has some family friends that live there now, so we packed up and had a little adventure. The first place we stopped was the Manti temple of course. It reminded me a lot of the St. George temple. We spent the rest of our time with the Palmers, driving around and looking at different properties and trying to get a feel of the area. Who knows, maybe we'll live there someday.

Just another day butchering rabbits at the Garner home. :) It's still a new and slightly crazy thing to me. Wanna hear a funny/depressing story? Pictured here are 2 rabbits Richie butchered. It's no small feat to raise the rabbit and butcher it. So when we prepare to eat it, it's kind of a big deal. I spent a large amount of time preparing the rabbit to go into "chicken" noodle soup. I made the noodles, got all the veggies in the pot where I had the rabbit simmering, put all the meat back in the pot. As I was getting the bones etc to put into another pot to make a broth, I noticed....a pellet. Stuck in between some bones on the rabbit that I didn't see before, and it all became clear: I just made rabbit noodle soup...with poop in it. Honestly, I was devastated. I cried as I set out the cereal and milk. I'm still not laughing about it...maybe next week.

Homeschool/Joy School Stuff

Another of my nieces, Zadi, recently moved to the Orem area! That's only like, 30 minutes away! It's been fun seeing a bit more of her. One of her amazing qualities is that she's a great photographer! We convinced her to take some family pictures for us at Wheeler farm recently. Thank you Zadi!! (These are not the ones she took. Hers are much better. :) I just snapped a few to document the fact that we were taking family pictures)

Yet another viewing of Disney's "Legend of Sleepy Hollow". The kids watched it multiple times this year. They all just looked so cozy there by the first fire of the season, I had to snap a picture. :)


Grandma and Grandpa Crosby said...

Loved this post! Your rabbit pellet soup will become legend! What a great story! AND now I'm looking forward to the Halloween post!

Becca said...
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Becca said...

It wouldn't let me edit my last comment, so I'll try again....
Anyway, I love that you keep your blog as a journal. I always love reading about your day-to-day life. I think you are just so great! I'm curious to know if you guys will end up moving, too bad it won't be to Iowa. ;)

Torgersons said...

So sorry about the poop soup! That is a bummer. So is it cheaper to raise rabbits versus chickens? Seems so sad to kill a rabbit. :( I'm typing this as Dan is out hunting elk. Ha!

September 2022

Benson turns 6! He requested a chocolate and strawberry cake where candy spills out of it. :) We went swimming at the rec center, Gwen made ...