Sunday, March 9, 2014

Family of 5!

I had my doctor's appointment on Friday morning and was hoping he'd tell me I was ready to go into labor and delivery. No such luck, but I was pretty sure I was beginning to have contractions, so I was hopeful she would arrive before or on her due date. I went and got the kids from Grandma's and then we went to the DI. Came home, had lunch, put kids down for naps, watched some Netflix and started timing contractions. :) By the time Richie got home from work, I had the go ahead from the Dr. to head to the hospital. The contractions weren't super painful, but steady every 5 minutes. The Dr. had warned me that the way she was positioned etc. that I could progress very quickly and he didn't want me to have the baby in the car, so that I should get checked in asap.

I was surprised to find out I was almost at a 6 when we got there! We got checked in around 6, the Dr. came and broke my water, I got an awesome epidural and then we settled in for and Office re-run marathon. After all this talk about my labor going quickly, I was sad that it seemed to be slowing down. Around 11 pm we decided to turn the lights off and try to get some sleep. That's when the contractions started coming every 1-2 minutes and fairly painfully. After about an hour, I asked the nurse to see if I could push yet, and sure enough I was at a 10. The Dr. came over, told me to push on my next contraction, and boom, she was here.

Born at 12:40 am... March 8th 2014... 8lbs 10 oz... 20.5 inches long... lots of dark hair...Lindy June Garner...cutest lips you've ever seen...Richie's eyebrows and toes...poops like a champ :)...has some reflux...most tender little cry...content...

The kids are in love. They have been so ready for her to get here. When we brought her home last night, they ran to get her some toys. They searched for her binky if she whimpered, they showered her with kisses. Miles even decided that baby June should have his special blanket, the one he's had since he was born. Richie's whooped of course. I'm in awe. We're happy.


Tanners said...

Congratulations. She is beautiful.

The Wallace Family said...

Oh man. When I saw your pictures on FB, I thought she was born today.

So happy for you guys!

Kara said...

So happy for you. Sounds like it was a good experience, and it looks like you're doing well. Such beautiful family pictures; what a joy to welcome a new spirit to the earth into a loving family! Nothing compares! She's just beautiful and has a darling name. :)

Adrienne said...

We're all very happy for your family! sure love you guys!

Brian and Stacy said...

Gosh, she is such a beautiful baby! Really, so cute! I'm so excited that she's here and you're done being pregnant! I'm so glad you're kids love her (what's not to love) and I hope they adjust well! :) Congrats!

Callahan's said...

Congrats! Such a cute baby!

Wii are the Nelsons said...

Congrats! Glad it went fairly quickly. She's beautiful. I already see Miles in her.

Grandma and Grandpa Crosby said...

Rach and Rich.......she's a beautiful addition to a precious family, and she already has a sweet personality. It's hard to think we won't be here for the first 18 months of her life. Thanks for letting me share a few days with her, and you, before we leave.

Shelley said...

Yay!! She is adorable. You are beautiful!! It's so fun reading birth stories when you are due in 6 week. I'm all sorts of excited for a new baby to come to our home. You have a precious family and we miss you guys!

September 2022

Benson turns 6! He requested a chocolate and strawberry cake where candy spills out of it. :) We went swimming at the rec center, Gwen made ...