Sunday, September 16, 2012

Everyday Love

Miles is a "sometimes napper". I've really had to adjust to this, but for the most part he stays in his room for "quiet time" even if he isn't napping. The other day he had come out more than I would like and I was getting angry. The next time he came out, he told me I needed to come to his room to see what he did. He had found a pen somewhere in his room and colored all over everything! His horse, his bed, and a huge mural on his wall. You could tell he was proud of it, but he knew it was wrong. I grabbed a magic eraser and told him to get started cleaning it up. A few minutes into the process, when my blood wasn't as boiling anymore, he told me all about his picture. It was a picture of Curious George riding a rocket around the earth. ( A scene in a library movie we rented) He knew what every little squiggle was, and then I felt really guilty for not letting him keep it on the wall. At least I snapped a picture before it was all gone. The picture doesn't do it justice, it was huge and it took forever to clean off.

Wednesday mornings are a big deal around here. I know the suspense is just killing you, so I'll just tell you. It's because the garbage truck comes! Without fail he comes during our Wednesday morning breakfast. Gwen's keen ears pick up on the ever so faint, "beep...beep" long before it gets to our street and they run to the front window and get a good seat for the show. I love it.

The evolution of a wake up.

Gwen has started self-potty training. I'm not sure how to process this. Miles was so horrendously difficult to potty train that when Gwen was about 6 months, I went to a little class put on by our ward about infant potty training. Figuring anything would be better than what we did with Miles, we started potty training Gwen, not super seriously, around 6 months. We stopped after kids got sick a few months later and we went into survival mode. But I think something stuck because for the last month or so, she'll come to us, lift up her shirt and make a sound like a snake. :) We humor her every once in a while and take her potty and 70% of the time, something comes out and we make a big deal about it. I think a big part of it is that she thinks Miles is so cool and she wants to be big and cool like Miles. Whenever parents complained about their children starting to potty train themselves before the parent was ready, I just got irritated. I thought, "How is that even a problem?? They are so lucky!" But I'm changing my tune. I'm still recovering from 6 months of cleaning poop out of underwear, I'm not sure I'm ready to take it on again. I know I need to capitalize on this momentum, but I'm just so tired. These pictures crack me up!


Becca said...

I think I would take advantage of the "self potty training." I've never had a kid do that. I put Adeline on the big potty a few days ago, to feel her out and she cried the whole time. I've decided to wait a few more months. Good luck, I'm sure Gwen will do great.

Grandma and Grandpa Crosby said...

How about painting one whole wall in his bedroom with chalkboard paint? Or---now they even have dry erase board paint? Love the the garbage pick-up pic, but my favorites are of Miles waking up! Good luck with Gwen's potty training! I do think girls might be a little easier than boys in that area.

The Wallace Family said...

I LOVE your everydays. Super cute pics!!

One Opinionated Housewife said...

Wow, I am amazed by your sweet temper, Rach! Potty training is the pits, and I admire Gwen for wanting to give it a try.

Torgersons said...

Your kids are the cutest kids around. Oh my goodness. I love the waking up pictures. Yes, I think it's bizarre when parents complain about their children self potty training, but I also hate cleaning poop out of underwear, so I understand the uncertainty!

Taysom Wallace said...

Aw! these are the best posts :)

September 2022

Benson turns 6! He requested a chocolate and strawberry cake where candy spills out of it. :) We went swimming at the rec center, Gwen made ...