Everything up to the point where we got married was a separate life and now I am making a new story. Something that is totally different between my two lives is that I no longer have long spans of time. I live my life in small moments. I think it's partly due to the changing moods of my children. One minute their whole world is falling apart because I chose the wrong cup to pour juice into or because I won't let them eat unidentifiable objects off the floor. So then I become irrationally upset with them! The next minute they are experiencing pure joy because I played a favorite song and picked them up to dance. In return, I also get to experience pure joy because their joy brings me joy. In fact, I tear up almost 20 times a day probably because my heart just can't seem to wrap itself around all the love I feel for my kids and the sweet smiles they give me. So I've learned to take advantage of the small moments. Even if they are really small. This past Sunday Richie sang in the ward choir for the Christmas program. He even sang a solo and brought half of the congregation to tears. However, because he was seated in the stands, I was wrestling two kiddos and I felt like I didn't even hear the songs because I was busy whisper-yelling things like, "Stop putting all the stickers on your face!" However, the congregation got to sing one song with the choir and although I was spitting mad the moment before, as I sang that song I started to cry because the spirit struck me so forcefully. It happened again that evening as I went to turn on the porch light and I caught a glimpse of our nativity set as "Away in a Manger" was playing on the computer. The time to dwell on peaceful moments like that have passed, because right after that sweet experience, someone needed something and I was shaken from my reverie. But, I had that moment, and it was special.
I've also been giving sighs of relief a lot lately because I feel like I really lucked out when I married Richie. Of course you know it's a big decision when you choose that person you're going to spend the rest of eternity with, but I don't think you REALLY understand what you're getting yourself into. It's all talk up to that point, and then after you're hitched you're in it for the long haul and the real work begins. I know of some unfortunate circumstances where the husband wasn't all he was cracked up to be. However I keep finding out that the guy I married was even better than I thought he was! This past Saturday for part of my Christmas, Richie let me go to Idaho Falls and do a little clothes shopping while he took the kids. Best present ever. If it was me, I probably would have put a movie in and called it good, but they went to the duck pond and fed them left over popcorn and played at the park. Then when they got back they painted. He even let Gwen in on the action. :) And then he got them all cleaned up and I came home as they were finishing lunch. These pictures make me so happy.
We decorated a Christmas tree for the birds outside our window so that we can watch neat things going on outside, even if we can't always go outside.
Christmas pictures at our joy school Christmas party today. This first one is dang cute, the other one just makes me laugh our loud. Miles' face cracks me up.
Haha, Miles' expression in the joy school picture is pretty awesome! and I agree Richie is an awesome uncle (and I'm sure dad as well), but you should remember that he lucked out too :) Love you guys!
What a lucky gal! Those pictures are so fun! Also, I love reading your blog. Your personality really shows through and I can really relate to your "momisms" and the feelings you've expressed here. I would love to get to know you more, I'm sad we live far away from you. It would be so fun to spend time together.
Loved the pictures! Don't I have cute grandkids!? And loved your write up! You've just got to send some of your musings into the paper!......or several papers......and get paid for your talent!
I'm tearing up reading about how you love being a mommy, and how great Richie is, and how dang cute those kids are! oh my heck those pictures are so cute!!!! we're aching to see you all soon!
I LOVE that last picture of Richie and the kids. It makes me smile. You two are the cutest couple with the cutest kids! Love the post.
So cute! Richie is so great for actually doing fun things with the kiddos. I, like you, would have probably just put on a video and called it good. You are so awesome Rachel! I'm glad I know people like you :) Life is good.
Great perspective. Love the pictures! Have a Merry Christmas!
May I say that I miss the two of you tons!!! I love reading your blog and catching up with the wonderful blessings and happenings with my friends and family. Love you all!!!
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