Sunday, November 20, 2022

November 2021

 Davy got a really nasty case of croup and we ended up going to the ER around 1030 at night. I hate croup so, so much. I was there with Davy for a few hours while they gave him breathing treatments and we slept on and off on a hospital bed. Luckily he improved enough that he didn't have to be officially admitted and we got to go home in the middle of the night. As with most of my kids and croup, once the worst is over, we battle a nasty cough for another week or so, but the scary stuff subsides. 

Thanksgiving "window" painting at the gym.

Christmas Shoeboxes! We've been doing it since Miles was little. It's one of our favorite traditions, even if that means that the younger kids don't love giving the toys away immediately. They're learning.  The older kids now pay for the entire box themselves, which is a huge sacrifice for them when their total comes to $50 plus dollars. 

Bonnie Boreguard moved into our ward in early 2021 I think. I met her on the first day she came back to church after more than 30 years. I knew I immediately liked her. Plus she was super knowledgable about homesteading things that I was a novice in. She offered to come over to help show me how to trim my goat's hooves. I really needed that guidance! But later on she told me what a dark place she had been in, and just being needed by someone helped to pull her out. We became great friends, along with Trudy Halford, who lives down the road and we kind of adopted. When we moved in, Trudy had just lost her husband and was also just barely starting to come back to church.  So we adopted both Bonnie and Trudy. It's very, very clear to me that we were supposed to move here when we did for many reasons, but especially to meet Bonnie and Trudy.  Imaging what a sweet blessing it was to go back to the temple with Bonnie, for her 2nd time only, after being away from the church for decades. It is such a special memory for me. I got to help Bonnie at times throughout the session, and meet her sister. My dear friend Misty (who I was serving with in Relief Society) came also. It was a special, special day.  Later on (hopefully I got some pictures of that...) we taught temple prep to Bonnie and Trudy in our home, with permission from the bishop. Trudy had never gone through the temple before. So they would come over every Monday for dinner and a lesson. Eventually Trudy went through the temple and was sealed to her late husband and children. A really special, special experience. 

Scenes from the homestead and homeschool

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September 2022

Benson turns 6! He requested a chocolate and strawberry cake where candy spills out of it. :) We went swimming at the rec center, Gwen made ...