Monday, September 21, 2020

Kid Updates


*You used some of your hard earned money to buy an old Super Nintendo and the Super Mario Game. You want to, understandably, play it all the time and don't like the screen limits Dad and I have set. So when you sneak it, you end up feeling super guilty. I'm not sure how to get around this. I can't let you play screens all day, so Dad and I are generous (at least we think so) in our screen time allowance, but its never enough for you. I get it. I try and remind you that wanting to play video games all day is pretty normal and you don't need to feel bad about it.
*You've been my trooper when it comes to work projects. Even when it comes to nasty ones. And for the most part, you do it with a happy attitude. Super grateful for that maturity coming through. I also think it's not just maturity, but your personality in general. You're not happy about shoveling old goat manure out of a shed, but you put a smile on your face because you want to be helpful to me. 
*Dad and I think you may be starting to show some tendencies toward depression. (Have been for a couple of years, but it's happening more and more frequently these days.) It runs in my family, so it shouldn't be super shocking I supposed, but it's been so hard to watch you grapple with some truly hard feelings. We haven't felt the need yet to see a counselor or take medication, but it's something that's on our radar these days, since your spirals seem to be happening more frequently. 
*Dad and I offered to pay you $1 per wheelbarrow load of manure hauled to our soon to be garden space. You latched on to that pretty quickly. You wanted to haul enough loads to earn an old game boy, and a new Nintendo game. Last week, you woke up at 6 every morning and hauled loads till breakfast and then hauled loads during quiet time. By now, you have 14 loads left. We are proud of your for working so hard to develop grit!
*You are refusing to cut your hair, but you also refuse to style it.  It's getting so long, I'm wondering how long I can hold out before I just hold you to the ground and just buzz it. Trying to be cool about it...


*I think moving here has been the hardest on you, so far, which I was surprised by. It doesn't help that the first few weeks being here, we were quarantined and couldn't meet anybody. So to fill our time, we did a lot of work projects. You struggled the most with being positive during those.
*You heard dad talking to Miles about working on Uncle Shannon's property and getting paid. You wanted in on that action. Dad reminded you that you've had a hard time whining when it comes to doing work around our place and that if you wanted to work on Shannon's you'd have to do projects around here without whining. You mostly snapped out of it after that, and became acutely aware of your attitude. You drew up a plan to become a better person, though of affirmations to say, things to do when you got frustrated etc. I was very impressed. One of the things you do when you get upset is to wander over by the ditch, throw some dirt or sand into it, pretend it's your worries and frustrations, and watch them float away.
*You continually blow my mind with all the little facts you know. We will find a praying mantis, and you'll rattle off some obscure facts about them and I'll say, "How did you know that?" and you'll tell me it was from a book you read, or a show you watched etc. It happens constantly! 
*We are trying to find a good fit for you in regards to dance. The first class we tried, the girls were too little. The next 2 classes we tried the girls were too old (way too mature already for my 9 year old!). The day you tried the 2 older ones were tough on you. You just had to jump right in, out of your comfort level, knowing nobody. After I picked you up, I could tell it had been hard on you. So, I think we'll try a gymnastic class they offer there. Feels weird to deviate from dance after 4 or so years, and I think I'm more sad than you about it (oddly). We'll see what happens. In the end, we just want you to grow and learn. 
*You are such a big helper with the smaller kids during school. You can tell when I'm getting stressed and will take over entertaining the littles. You also initiate and seem to love doing preschool things with Benson. Helping him with worksheets, writing letters etc. It's fun to watch you work. 


*You're getting better at doing my hair. You are more gentle these days and have finally mastered how to make a pony tail. :)
*The other night after scriptures etc, I was giving you an update on Grandma Crosby's cancer situation. You became very visibly upset. I asked the other kids to leave so you and I could talk. I asked you what was bothering you and you said, "2 things: 1- Grandma Crosby. 2. Shots, zits, cavities, and having babies." (The last time you had to get a shot at the doctors was super, unexpectedly, traumatic for you.) The emotion you felt bubbling up while we talked about Grandma seemed to bring up a lot of other anxieties. We talked through them all, and you calmed down after a while. I wasn't allowed to chuckle then at the things you were worried about, because it was very real and terrifying to you, but now as I write this list, it makes me smile.:) 
*You are pretty obsessed with "Oooh-la-la beauty spas". (The name must be said in it's entirety.) This is not completely new, but I feel like it's ramped up lately. You want to serve people around you, and the thing you know how to do well is pamper them. You'll fill up a bowl of water to soak their feet in, put make up on them, paint their nails, have them lay down with a cozy blanket, and give them a new hairstyle. 
*All of the kids have gotten really into "Avatar" lately, but I think you're the one that likes it the most. When there is a romantic scene, and I'm sitting with you, you pretend to be grossed out, but I think you really like it. :) 


*In case it hasn't been documented here, you are still my little Curious George, getting into trouble with the most innocent intentions. Within an hour of moving in, you found some thick axle grease in a shed and covered yourself in it, found a tiny shovel and dug holes in the mud (and got it all over yourself), and shocked yourself on the electric fence. Part of the drive for moving here was so that our kids could have wide open spaces and get into a little minor league trouble. So I guess all is going according to plan. :) Sometimes I'm not able to keep as close of tabs on you as I need to, and you end up finding pruning shears and snipping the neighbors electric fence around their garden when they were showing us around their property. 
*Today I found that you had dumped out 4 bottles of kid's soap/shampoo, got marker on the hall carpet, went through 2 outfits (the norm), snuck computer time (scary that you know how to navigate the computer so well already), and got into the huge flour bin in the garage. This is typical. Then you'll wrap your arms around me so tightly and cover me in kisses and tell me you love me and that I'm the best. You'll share a toy with Davy without me asking. I'll find you quietly reading books on the floor somewhere. You'll make a silly joke and celebrate small victories and sing the ABC's while you wash your hands. This is all typical too. You are just the perfect juxtaposition of mischief and sugar. 


*You have mastered the art of the high pitched shriek. My goodness, I swear it's going to shatter our glasses. And since you still don't have many words, it's your only way of communicating that you don't like something and you'd like it to change. By the end of the day, it's hard not to lose my temper with you, even though you're still so little.
*You are just getting through a 2 week phase of utterly awful sleep. Naps and Bedtime were torture. We thought it was teething (you have 4 about ready to break through), but looking back, it was probably a sickness. Fever, irritable (see how we thought it was teething?) but then as you started to behave better, you broke out in a harmless rash. Makes me feel bad we didn't do more besides some Tylenol!
*You are starting to say actual words. We are the only ones who can understand your language, but you can say (not sign) shoes, outside, all done, Mom, Dad, food, Hot, again, button, Up, and Down. :)
*You love and hate Benson. You two already push each other's buttons, but you both love each other so much. It's not uncommon for you to tackle him in a hug, and then Benson will hug you back and tell you he loves you. You don't do this with any other sibling at this point. You can now "say" Benson's name. It's adorable, and the only name, besides Mom and Dad, that you can say so far. All the other kids are a little jealous. 
*You give Dad and I the best hugs! You really lean into them and try to wrap your arms around us and squeeze. It's the best thing ever.
*You want to be outside all the time. You're constantly going to the door saying, "Outside?" and then if we say no, you'll cry and whine, and then ask me to get your shoes in hopes that will persuade me to take you outside. And I can't just send you outside with a sibling. You want me right next to you. 
*I've trained you on taking deep breaths. It's fun to watch you catch on. When you have a screaming fit or are loudly and repeatedly expressing a desire (UP! UP! UP!, or HOT! HOT! HOT!, or MAMA! MAMA! MAMA!), I can just hold your face, and have you watch me take a deep breath. You do it with me, and it usually buys me a few minutes of quiet. 

1 comment:

Wii are the Nelsons said...

I paid my oldest James to cut off his hair when it got long and really unstyled haha...His last hair cut though he trusted me enough to at least cut into a style and ended up liking it =)

September 2022

Benson turns 6! He requested a chocolate and strawberry cake where candy spills out of it. :) We went swimming at the rec center, Gwen made ...