Our good friends the Fogle's invited us to celebrate the 4th with them. I was so grateful. I had zero motivation to do anything fun, and I was sorely missing our old neighborhood's little bike parade. They let us join in with theirs, and then gave us lunch. A country boil and homemade root-beer! Later that night, Richie stayed home with Davy, but I took the kids back over to the Fogles so we could enjoy the fireworks together. We saw lots of big ones (not anything like Brandon and Michelle's traditional firework show on our street, but still :) ) and Lauren shared all the glow sticks etc with our kids. I was so grateful!
Unfortunately, right after the 4th, Richie and I caught what we think was Covid. Jacob caught it from a friend in Iowa and while they helped us move in gave it to Dad and Makenna. They all tested positive. When Richie and I started feeling sick, we figured we'd better get a test. However, we're in between insurances, and just to get a test was $400. So instead of being officially tested, we just checked off all the symptoms and quarantined ourselves for 10 more days. It was a real bummer because we were already feeling a little antsy and wanted to get out there to meet people and familiarize ourselves with the area. Lauren came through again and brought us boxes of crafts and things to keep the kids busy. We took advantage of our time and started working on fixer-upper projects around the property. Mainly weeding flower beds, covering them with cardboard and compost in anticipation of planting next year, and also creating a designated sandbox. Some of the kids liked the work more than others. We deep cleaned parts of the home that we are sure hadn't been really deep cleaned in a LONG time. We bought a swing for the front tree that has been a huge hit. Grandpa Crosby sent us some money to go get a treat. Etc. We made it through just fine. Richie's and mine case of Covid wasn't bad at all. Just a good cold. And now, that can be our claim to fame when our grandchildren ask us what 2020 was like for us.