Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Crosby Family Vacation 2019- Midway Utah

First Day

We met everyone at Bridal Veil Falls to picnic and "hike" around. Then we found our GIGANTIC cabin up in Midway and got settled. The "cabin" was huge and the kids were content exploring it for hours and hours. Complete with a pool, hot tub, sauna, racquetball court, game room, movie room, trampoline, sand box, fire pit, etc etc etc. Every family had their own room and bathroom. It was awesome. That night Grandma and Grandpa put on a family trivia game with the famous "Wheel of Fortune" wheel. The kids were in total heaven. Cousins to play with, swimming, tons of prizes to win during the game, and staying up late. Basically the best day ever.

Day 2
We spent most of this day at the Jordanelle Reservoir. Dad brought kayaks and tons of lawn games and that kept everyone happy and occupied for hours on end. Later that night, we had dinner and played the famous "Sniff the Broom" game. If you get it, you get it. :) Of course every day was interspersed with swimming, game playing, snacking, staying up late and lots of laughing. My kids LOVE their cousins.

Day 3
This day we decided to ride the Heber Train. It was ridiculously overpriced, and for the adults...let's just say not our favorite activity. I think the kids thought it was cool, which is the whole point, right? Right???? Having little kids is hard. Benson got sick of it half way through, and then had to be entertained the rest of the time. And trying to get Davy to eat and sleep and not cry on a crowded, hot train...was a challenge. Ah, memories. That night the kids put on skits about Grandma and Grandpa's life (hilarious) and of course, we stayed up late eating and talking.

family pictures
We also took a few impromptu family photos that night. The scenery was incredible and the lighting outside was magical. I wish I would have brought my actual camera. We left early the next morning (Sunday) in time to get to our church meetings. Man, I love this family of mine!

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September 2022

Benson turns 6! He requested a chocolate and strawberry cake where candy spills out of it. :) We went swimming at the rec center, Gwen made ...