Thursday, June 20, 2019

First Half of June

Check out my handsome boys!!! They were all unintentionally matching last Sunday, so I had to snap some pictures!

My dancing girls! They had their year-end recital and rocked it! Lindy felt so nervous, and so excited! Performing already seems to be "old hat" to Gwen, so she was cool as a cucumber, even when we realized we brought two different size shoes for her and she had to dance barefoot. :) My favorite things by far were watching them smile on stage and watching Lindy correct the other girls in her group to try and get them into the correct spots (so Lindy). Lindy wants to try Karate next year, and we may be switching Gwen to a different studio this upcoming year, so this may have been our last "No Sweat" dance recital. ? And in keeping with tradition, I snapped a couple of pictures of them in their costumes before they danced instead of paying money for the professional ones. :) Hopefully that doesn't come back to haunt me.

Park Days! All the time!

Gwen had her end of year piano recital. Her first one with Sister Costanza, who she adores. She did a great job and got the award for most determined...I think.. :)

For the past year, Lindy has been participating in an online preschool called Upstart. It was academically beneficial yes, but mostly I just wanted something for her to work on during school hours that helped her feel a part of school time and feel capable. Sometimes it was a struggle, but for the most part I think she enjoyed it. She felt pretty special at the little awards ceremony they held for the graduates.

Our neighbors have a pool pass to the county pool and go every day. Obviously my kids are jealous. I told them I don't think I can handle taking all 5 of you by myself. But I agreed to try it once and then we'd see if buying a pool pass would make sense. Miles and Gwen were terrific helpers with Benson, which I assure you is no small job. It was actually do-able. But still not a super pleasant experience for me. I'm too anxious I guess. Kids and water scare me. But it was a good outing, and I'm sure we'll go again sporadically.

These 3 high school friends and I used to get together about once a month when we first moved here. It was a life saver to me. We haven't gotten together for about 2 years because of the craziness of life and one of them moved to Texas. But the stars aligned and we were all able to get together this last week. We agreed that it would have been nicer if just us gals had gone out to dinner or something so we could chat uninterrupted, but we made it work with what we had, and it was great to see each other again! And check out the 14 kids between us! hA!

Richie remembers selling Father's Day Pies as a scout project/fundraiser growing up. We decided to try it this year. I wrote more about it on my other blog, but here's the reader's digest version. The kids were involved in the entire process; shopping for ingredients, doing the math to determine how much each pie would cost, what we should charge, and what are total profit was, taking pictures and advertising, actually making the pies, clean up and delivery. It was a great summer project for us! Lindy and Benson ended up staying at Grandma Garner's most of the day since Richie was window washing all day and couldn't help manage the chaos. They helped a little, but then it was me, Miles and Gwen (&Davy) working alongside each other all day. It was tiring, and awesome! They ended up making $180 total. They felt so empowered by the whole process, I think we'll definitely do it again.

Random pics of the kids. :)

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September 2022

Benson turns 6! He requested a chocolate and strawberry cake where candy spills out of it. :) We went swimming at the rec center, Gwen made ...