Where have the last 15 days gone? I can't believe we're half way through September already. Craziness. It's also crazy that it's still so warm outside. I'm beyond ready for that crisp fall air. I'm ready for Richie to bring the fireplace back to life and I'll make us some pumpkin cookies. Guess I have to be patient a bit longer.
Snapping beans :)
Dinner with Jeffrey's soon to be in-laws, the Heaps!
This is about 15 minutes into our homeschool day. And it was perfectly clean before! This doesn't even show the full destruction Benson is capable of. The rest of the basement was just as messy. I can't keep up!
With Miles and Gwen doing Canyon Grove one day a week, it gives me time to be with just my littles. They don't get my full attention during normal school days, so it's really fun to be able to focus on them. Here they are helping me make bread. :)
When canning is on, it's on. It doesn't care of your sick, or pregnant or both. This particular weekend, Benson got sick with some nasty cold/eye infection, and I got some 24 stomach bug that was brutal. Poor Richie was left to tend the kids, help them with the Saturday chores, can ALL the pears, and do another huge round of grape juice! All while I was in the tub or laying around somewhere. Yep, I got a good one.
It took Benson about a week to recover from his massive cold. It was torture. His sleeping routine went out the window, and we're still trying to get it back. Boo! On the positive side, one night he climbed in bed with Miles and fell asleep like this. :)
Know what this is? This is the last time I will be switching out my regular clothes for maternity ones! WAHOOOOOO!!!
Another "Epic Day" with Miles and Gwen gone, and Benson napping means Lindy get to have some one-on-one time and help me make salsa. We found a heart shaped tomato. :)
Homeschool group day! Studying the Crimean war, Florence Nightengale and pretending to be doctors.
Spelling word practice
Another "Epic Day" means I get to take the 2 littles to story time at the library! This hasn't happened in a while because the 2 older are, well, older. Even Lindy is starting to think it's a little too young for her! Then they wanted to go to the park, and I got to say yes! Most of the time, I feel pretty bound to schedules and to-do lists. It's nice when I'm not feeling that pressure as much, and I can give into their requests.
Saturday, September 22, 2018
Wednesday, September 12, 2018
Benson turns 2!!
Balloons in crib: Check!
Bday Pancakes: Check!
Toddler Roller Coaster: Check!
Birthday Doughnuts: Check!
Dinosaur Museum:Check!
We tried to fill his day full of things that would make Benson happy! I've been waiting to get this roller coaster from him for a full year, but I'm glad I waited. This is the perfect age to have one! Plus the older kids have been having a blast on it too. :) But of course, the huge box it came in was equally as exciting as the gift. We went to the dinosaur museum because he's recently taken a liking to "saur-saurs". He's been before, but this time it really came alive for him because of his recent interest. It was a super fun evening with our favorite 2 year old.
Benson is full of life! He wants to be right in the middle of all the action, he has a really fun sense of humor, is opinionated and lets you know it and loves his siblings so much. So, so grateful for our Ira Benson.
Monday, September 3, 2018
Last half of August
We started school half-way through August. Two years ago, we started a bit early because Benson was going to be born at the end of August, and I knew we'd be taking a break. But it turns out, starting a bit early was so helpful that it's becoming a pattern. It's only a matter of weeks, but it really helps lessen my stress when it comes to feeling like we have to get through all the curriculum etc. It gives us some breathing room. :)
Miles (4th grade)had the hardest time getting on board this year. (Very typical for him.) I tried being patient, I tried easing us into things, but that can only last so long. After a while I had to get after him and give him the "some things in life, you just have to buck-up and do!" speech. Repeatedly. And probably too harshly. The Sunday night before we started, Richie gave us all back-to-school blessings, and after his, I could tell he was very touched by the spirit. Monday morning came around, and his attitude was top-notch. It was going so well, and I was so pleased. Then we got to the end of (only) week 3, and the whining found it's way back in. Once he starts, he does just fine, but that initial beginning every day seems to be harder for him than the girls. Overall he's done very well transitioning back into school, although he still wishes it was summer.
Gwen (2nd grade) is very non-emotional about the whole thing. She doesn't really love school, but it doesn't irritate her either. She's pretty even keel and very logical about it all. Out of the 3 oldest, I think she was looking forward to it the most. She laid her new outfit out, the night before and everything. Just like I used to do. One of the things that I loved about school that gets lost somewhere because we homeschool is the first week of school excitement. I remember feeling like it was Christmas morning almost when That first week of school came! I tried to create a sense of excitement about our first day, but really it was pretty routine. That was a bit of a let down for me.
Lindy(pre-k)is excited to be more academically involved this year. She's doing a little language arts program with me, and also doing "Upstart" (an online preschool program). It makes her feel very important, and Benson loves tagging along while she "plays on the computer". Her perfectionist tendencies come out frequently during school. She really wants to get every question right, every letter perfectly formed, etc. And if it doesn't happen on the first try, she has a hard time. She is really focused and motivated.
Benson (mommy school) continues his roll as systematic destroyer and distractor. He's really quite good at it. He can still demolish the entire downstairs, and I do mean the entire downstairs, on a daily basis by the time school ends. I will not miss that part of mothering him when he is grown. :)
The kids didn't get to go swimming nearly as much as they wanted to this summer. Mean old mom kept saying no, because I'm too chicken to take all 4 on my own. So we really have to carve out time to go as a family. We finally promised/planned to take them the Saturday after their first week of school as a reward. They loved it so much. As usual, Benson was terrified at first and then loved it. Lindy loved trying to swim on her own without floaties, but then was hating life that night from all the chlorine in her eyes. Gwen and Miles are pretty good swimmers now, so I didn't worry too much about them. They went on the big slide over and over. Gwen went off the diving board. Miles couldn't quite get himself to try it, even with the bribe that Mom would go if he did. :)
A couple of cute reading pictures, cause I can never get enough of those. Lindy and Benson have a really fun friendship blossoming between them. She invited him on the bed one morning after breakfast, and he made his little pillow cocoon, and she read book after book to him. :) The other picture is one of those wonderful summer rains that we took advantage of. We delayed dinner, came back in soaking wet, but it was so worth it. Benson was scared, so after I played a bit, I came inside with him and we watched from a "safe" distance. Afterward, we had hot chocolate and I taught my kids how to play "Yahtzee", a real Crosby game. Honestly, I was tired of dealing with them and just wanted the TV to babysit them, but Richie suggested it, and it felt so right. It was a right of passage. We took Yahtzee seriously in our house. We have special rules and shakes and everything. :)
Harvest and canning season are in full swing here. Our garden was kind of a flop this year, but we did what we could with it, and Heavenly Father has provided the rest. In the form of Mom and Dad Garner's garden, and other neighbors and ward members who know we like this kind of stuff and are willing to share with us. We have had a bountiful harvest! It's tiring, but in the best way. There is such a sense of accomplishment as you hear those jar lids pop and place them on your shelves. It makes my heart happy.
Since we're in the school year, there will be more pictures pertaining to that for the next 9 months or so. :) Sometime during School, I usually bring down a snack. This day it was popcorn they ate while playing "Zingo". It was one of those moments I wanted so badly to freeze time. Miles was helping Benson participate so patiently, and Gwen lovingly helped Lindy. Made my mama heart happy. Another day we were studying atoms and molecules and had fun building them out of play-doh and toothpicks. :)
They changed the ward Fathers and Sons campout this year to be a ward family campout. I was relieved when Richie told me I didn't have to go. haha! I don't usually loathe camping, it's fine. But it's just so dang hard with kids. And I think I'm still traumatized from last year when we tried an over-nighter with them all and Benson was one step away from being put up for adoption. So Richie took the 3 oldest and they had a great time, despite the kids having a stomach bug the night before. Bishop asked Gwen where Benson and I were, and she said, "Mom's pregnant, and Benson's a punk, so they didn't come." :) Benson and I really enjoyed our one-on-one time, and I got the house all cleaned!
A family in the ward invited us and a bunch of other families over for nine-square the other Monday for FHE. I was excited that someone else knew what nine-square was and had the set up! It was a beautiful summer night and fun to be with everyone. My only sadness in these situations is that I never get to sit and chat like I'd like to. I'm always helping someone on the swings, or getting them a snack, or making sure they don't bolt through the back gate, or, or, or.... One day maybe I'll be able to sit and chat leisurely.
We decided to try something new this year in regards to school. It's called Canyon Grove Academy, and it's technically a charter school. They have one main campus for full time students, but then a bunch of other satellite locations specifically for homeschooling students. They go one day a week for a full day. This year, they're studying ancient history, weaving in geography, art, science, math etc. They also have "units of study" available every 4-6 weeks for 1 day a week that you can sign up for. For instance, the first 4 weeks are all about paddle boarding, or it might be ceramics, or ballroom dancing etc. But they are not required. Anyway, not all of the details need to be written here. Long story short, I've been thinking about doing this for years because others in our homeschool group do it and absolutely love it. It makes so many resources available to you. I was nervous about trying it because I don't want to overload myself or the kids, but I feel like we were nudged in this direction. So I hope it continues to go well. They had a great first week, and I think felt very important, excited (and a little scared maybe) going into a new setting. I think it will be good for them, and myself. One day a week, they get a more school-like experience, and I get to focus on the 2 littles. Win-win.
The kids are getting very capable of working on their kiwi crates by themselves. It's fun to watch them figure things out. This one was all about aerodynamics, so they built a stomp rocket and kites. It made for a fun morning. When she wasn't able to participate, Lindy would wander around the yard and find me treasures. Almost every day I get a new set of treasures from Lindy. :)
Miles (4th grade)had the hardest time getting on board this year. (Very typical for him.) I tried being patient, I tried easing us into things, but that can only last so long. After a while I had to get after him and give him the "some things in life, you just have to buck-up and do!" speech. Repeatedly. And probably too harshly. The Sunday night before we started, Richie gave us all back-to-school blessings, and after his, I could tell he was very touched by the spirit. Monday morning came around, and his attitude was top-notch. It was going so well, and I was so pleased. Then we got to the end of (only) week 3, and the whining found it's way back in. Once he starts, he does just fine, but that initial beginning every day seems to be harder for him than the girls. Overall he's done very well transitioning back into school, although he still wishes it was summer.
Gwen (2nd grade) is very non-emotional about the whole thing. She doesn't really love school, but it doesn't irritate her either. She's pretty even keel and very logical about it all. Out of the 3 oldest, I think she was looking forward to it the most. She laid her new outfit out, the night before and everything. Just like I used to do. One of the things that I loved about school that gets lost somewhere because we homeschool is the first week of school excitement. I remember feeling like it was Christmas morning almost when That first week of school came! I tried to create a sense of excitement about our first day, but really it was pretty routine. That was a bit of a let down for me.
Lindy(pre-k)is excited to be more academically involved this year. She's doing a little language arts program with me, and also doing "Upstart" (an online preschool program). It makes her feel very important, and Benson loves tagging along while she "plays on the computer". Her perfectionist tendencies come out frequently during school. She really wants to get every question right, every letter perfectly formed, etc. And if it doesn't happen on the first try, she has a hard time. She is really focused and motivated.
Benson (mommy school) continues his roll as systematic destroyer and distractor. He's really quite good at it. He can still demolish the entire downstairs, and I do mean the entire downstairs, on a daily basis by the time school ends. I will not miss that part of mothering him when he is grown. :)
The kids didn't get to go swimming nearly as much as they wanted to this summer. Mean old mom kept saying no, because I'm too chicken to take all 4 on my own. So we really have to carve out time to go as a family. We finally promised/planned to take them the Saturday after their first week of school as a reward. They loved it so much. As usual, Benson was terrified at first and then loved it. Lindy loved trying to swim on her own without floaties, but then was hating life that night from all the chlorine in her eyes. Gwen and Miles are pretty good swimmers now, so I didn't worry too much about them. They went on the big slide over and over. Gwen went off the diving board. Miles couldn't quite get himself to try it, even with the bribe that Mom would go if he did. :)
A couple of cute reading pictures, cause I can never get enough of those. Lindy and Benson have a really fun friendship blossoming between them. She invited him on the bed one morning after breakfast, and he made his little pillow cocoon, and she read book after book to him. :) The other picture is one of those wonderful summer rains that we took advantage of. We delayed dinner, came back in soaking wet, but it was so worth it. Benson was scared, so after I played a bit, I came inside with him and we watched from a "safe" distance. Afterward, we had hot chocolate and I taught my kids how to play "Yahtzee", a real Crosby game. Honestly, I was tired of dealing with them and just wanted the TV to babysit them, but Richie suggested it, and it felt so right. It was a right of passage. We took Yahtzee seriously in our house. We have special rules and shakes and everything. :)
Harvest and canning season are in full swing here. Our garden was kind of a flop this year, but we did what we could with it, and Heavenly Father has provided the rest. In the form of Mom and Dad Garner's garden, and other neighbors and ward members who know we like this kind of stuff and are willing to share with us. We have had a bountiful harvest! It's tiring, but in the best way. There is such a sense of accomplishment as you hear those jar lids pop and place them on your shelves. It makes my heart happy.
Since we're in the school year, there will be more pictures pertaining to that for the next 9 months or so. :) Sometime during School, I usually bring down a snack. This day it was popcorn they ate while playing "Zingo". It was one of those moments I wanted so badly to freeze time. Miles was helping Benson participate so patiently, and Gwen lovingly helped Lindy. Made my mama heart happy. Another day we were studying atoms and molecules and had fun building them out of play-doh and toothpicks. :)
They changed the ward Fathers and Sons campout this year to be a ward family campout. I was relieved when Richie told me I didn't have to go. haha! I don't usually loathe camping, it's fine. But it's just so dang hard with kids. And I think I'm still traumatized from last year when we tried an over-nighter with them all and Benson was one step away from being put up for adoption. So Richie took the 3 oldest and they had a great time, despite the kids having a stomach bug the night before. Bishop asked Gwen where Benson and I were, and she said, "Mom's pregnant, and Benson's a punk, so they didn't come." :) Benson and I really enjoyed our one-on-one time, and I got the house all cleaned!
A family in the ward invited us and a bunch of other families over for nine-square the other Monday for FHE. I was excited that someone else knew what nine-square was and had the set up! It was a beautiful summer night and fun to be with everyone. My only sadness in these situations is that I never get to sit and chat like I'd like to. I'm always helping someone on the swings, or getting them a snack, or making sure they don't bolt through the back gate, or, or, or.... One day maybe I'll be able to sit and chat leisurely.
We decided to try something new this year in regards to school. It's called Canyon Grove Academy, and it's technically a charter school. They have one main campus for full time students, but then a bunch of other satellite locations specifically for homeschooling students. They go one day a week for a full day. This year, they're studying ancient history, weaving in geography, art, science, math etc. They also have "units of study" available every 4-6 weeks for 1 day a week that you can sign up for. For instance, the first 4 weeks are all about paddle boarding, or it might be ceramics, or ballroom dancing etc. But they are not required. Anyway, not all of the details need to be written here. Long story short, I've been thinking about doing this for years because others in our homeschool group do it and absolutely love it. It makes so many resources available to you. I was nervous about trying it because I don't want to overload myself or the kids, but I feel like we were nudged in this direction. So I hope it continues to go well. They had a great first week, and I think felt very important, excited (and a little scared maybe) going into a new setting. I think it will be good for them, and myself. One day a week, they get a more school-like experience, and I get to focus on the 2 littles. Win-win.
The kids are getting very capable of working on their kiwi crates by themselves. It's fun to watch them figure things out. This one was all about aerodynamics, so they built a stomp rocket and kites. It made for a fun morning. When she wasn't able to participate, Lindy would wander around the yard and find me treasures. Almost every day I get a new set of treasures from Lindy. :)
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September 2022
Benson turns 6! He requested a chocolate and strawberry cake where candy spills out of it. :) We went swimming at the rec center, Gwen made ...
Benson turns 6! He requested a chocolate and strawberry cake where candy spills out of it. :) We went swimming at the rec center, Gwen made ...
We finally have our baby here and life is good! This post won't be long, but I know everyone is waiting for pictures and I don't bla...