Monday, March 12, 2018

First bit of March

Our lovely chickens are still adjusting to having Ginger around. The 2 black ones both lost a considerable amount of "butt feathers" as Gwen calls it (tail feathers), but we are working on corralling them in more, so they should be safe from the likes of the dog very soon. And our backyard should remain mostly chicken poop free! Hooray! We have still averaged about 3-4 eggs per day, even in the winter. They are really sweet chickens. And every time I open the nesting box and find a beautiful, brown egg, I can't help but hear, "I love to hunt eggs!" in my head. (7 brides for 7 brothers)

Homeschool group at Makenna's the other day. She went all out to celebrate Dr. Suess day!

And then the next day, another friend who homeschools invited me over to celebrate Dr. Suess day at her house! I had no idea is was such a special occasion! Ha! Good thing there are other moms around who are more creative and on top of things than I am at this point! I'm getting to that point in the year when I feel like I should be congratulated at the end of every school day.

Chemistry! I ordered this chemistry set at the beginning of the year, but these aren't the only science experiments we do. So when we pull out the actual chemistry set, the kids get very into it. Test tubes, safety glasses,'s all very serious business.

I don't know what says, "Mother of Boys" more than this. Miles literally had major holes in every single pair of pants he owned. (More than pictured here) We've since remedied the situation.

Benson's first day of nursery!! (I don't know why some pictures look totally fine on my camera, but when I download them they come out much darker. ??? ) He did great! Usually when my kids get to nursery, I breathe a great sigh of relief. However, this time I think the sighing will be done by Richie. Since I'm in primary, Richie's been the one to walk the halls with him most of church for the past year or so. Benson has no complaints about nursery so far. Yay! And Lindy couldn't resist a little photo bombing.

Lindy working on her "school" and Gwen helping Benson with his "school". :) It's now become quite routine that when I'm working with Miles, Gwen will pull Benson up on the chair and read all the board books to him. They both love it so much, but I think I love it most!

The girls were invited to a princess party of some little girls in our homeschool group. They couldn't believe that real live princesses were there!!!

When Ginger killed our favorite mama, we brought her kit inside and took care of them in a big Tupperware in our wash room. It was fun to have them so close at hand during the cutest stage. That is, it was all fun until they got big enough and smart enough to jump out of the Tupperware, and Ginger claimed 2 more victims. So back outside they went after we were sure they were sufficiently weaned. Such a sharp learning curve going on with that dog and the other animals! Oy!

Homeschool day here- learning about the rise of factories in England and then in America. Instead of an awful factory situation, we tried to simulate a pleasant one. Cookie factory for the win! Every person had a specialized job. It was fun.

Had enough cans to make another run to the recycling center. The kids are still tickled pink with the $8 or so, they get every time.

Miles wrote this to a girl in his primary class.:) :) :) It says, "Dear Rachel, You are a wonderful girl. I love you. Miles." I'm choosing not to send that bad?

Lindy trying to "read" to Benson like Gwen does. She does a really good job reading with enthusiasm! And our first picnic of the year! Spring is coming, we can feel it, and it is SO welcome!!

1 comment:

Tiff said...

Gwen and Lindy reading to Benson! So adorable.

September 2022

Benson turns 6! He requested a chocolate and strawberry cake where candy spills out of it. :) We went swimming at the rec center, Gwen made ...