Our 10 year old computer bit the dust this month. 10 years in computer time is pretty much an eternity. The people at the repair shop were obviously shocked that I still had such a dinosaur of a computer. I should have showed them Richie's flip phone and really wowed them! So while we were upgrading to a slightly newer, used version, I was computer-less. Hence the lack of blogging. Now I'm playing catch up!
Gwen's group performing at the Festival of Trees. I felt more prepared this year and let Benson stay at Grandma's house to nap, so it wasn't stressful at all. It was a really fun afternoon cheering Gwen on, eating a cinnamon roll, and picking out our favorite trees. You could stay there all day and still not get bored!
We lucked into a TON of cranberries, so I thought I would have the kids help me string some for the chickens to peck at.
Science today was using chromatography paper. (Is that the right word?) The kids had fun hunting or things to make prints of, laying out their design on the paper and waiting for the sun to do it's work. Unfortunately the outcomes were less exciting than the process.
Cute Lindy sleeping. Checking on my kids after they have fallen asleep is truly one of my great pleasures.
It isn't Christmas until we've been to the Cori Connors concert! Such a fun tradition that we look forward to with much anticipation. She had us all in tears, as usual.
Gwen performing at the Riverton Town Holly Days. It was freezing cold! We did out bet to enjoy it though. My favorite part was when the kids got in line to see Santa, and Lindy was visibly anxious. The closer we got, the more frantic she became until she fled out of the line to where I was standing. I tried to convince her that it would be fine and he would give her a candy cane, but she didn't have to go if she didn't want to. That's when she burst into tears, and sobbed, "I don't want to go, but I want the caaannndeeeeee!" She eventually tip toed up for a candy and then ran away.
We had the coolest freezing fog here the other day! Some of Jack Frost's finest work really!
Movin' and Groovin' pajama party at the library. Although it was geared for Lindy's age, she was "too cool" to participate. Gwen thought it was fun. Miles was too old, or so I thought, until I turned around for a second, and then realize he's up at the front helping the librarian lead the kids in a dance! She was having other kids come up as sort of a "Do what I'm doing" thing. I was both shocked that he was up there, and also happy that he doesn't think he's too old yet. I know I'm gonna blink and he's going to be all grown up!
"I was thirsty and ye gave me drink" One of our light the world activities included donating some bottled water to a nearby food bank.
Miles at pack meeting with his friend Colton. I brought sugar cookies to decorate and they went to town!
Benson LOVES baby Cecily at home school group. He can't get enough of her! So I took a picture in case they get married later, and I'll be able to prove their record-long courtship. :)
Sunday, December 31, 2017
kid update
*You're my tender boy. I read a book the other day about a mother loving a baby before it was even born. When I got done you had tears in your eyes and said, "When you were reading that book to us, I felt loved." The other day we watched a video about operation Christmas shoebox before we packed ours. When we were finished we could definitely feel the spirit. Gwen wiped away a few tears, do did I, but you had to work a little harder to turn off the water works. You said how grateful you were for our blessings and that we can help those other kids.
*You've started reading Harry Potter (the 1st one) We have listened to it on CD, and watched the movie, but this time you're reading it on your own. Honestly, it's above your reading capabilities at this point, so it's a struggle to read. However, it's the first book you have been genuinely excited about reading on your own. I've tried TONS of other books closer to your level to get you excited about reading, but none of them have stuck. So I'm excited and supportive of this initiative! I hope it helps you catch the reading bug!
*You are definitely my kid with the biggest sweet tooth. :) You're a great eater, and rarely complain anymore about what we eat for dinner. The only thing you really struggle with is zucchini noodles. You're the first to offer to finish other people's foods, especially desserts.
*You have a friend, who is...not my favorite. I think he can be rather rude, and I'm hoping some of his habits don't rub off on you. But I am grateful for your interactions with him because it's teaching you how to deal with people like that. The other day you invited him over to play "Just Dance". He came over and you took the first turn. When I asked if he wanted t a turn he said no, because "this is the dumbest game". I was proud that you didn't let it ruffle your feathers, you just stopped mid-dance and said, "Ok, what do you want to play?" And then gave him a bunch of options.
*The other day I commented on how well you were helping Benson and what a good Dad you'll be some day. You smiled and said, "I can't wait till I'm a dad and get my own baby!"
*The other day the library, you were looking at the used books for sale. I was busy checking out books and keeping Benson entertained. I glanced over and see this older woman handing you a dollar. Thinking you might have asked her for money, I stepped over and asked what was happening. The sweet lady very kindly told me that you two were in the middle of a business transaction. That she wasn't doing anything wrong or "creepy" and that I could go back to my business. Curious, I finished checking out my books. She later walked over to me and said how special you were, that I must be doing something right because "He is magic!" Later on I found out that you two had started chatting in the for sale section and you told her about your plans to buy me a book for Christmas. She decided to give you a dollar right then, even though you had already brought your own money, just because she thought you were sweet.
*You really love playing with your friend Aimsley. Sometimes it's a struggle for you not to play with her all the time. The other day she came to the door during dinner, so I said to make sure you tell her you couldn't play. However, I was distracted and on the phone and you snuck right out the door and went to her house. I found you in the back of their van playing with Aimsley. As soon as you saw my face, you knew what you had done was wrong. You said, "I was just so tempted and it was hard to say no when Aimsley asked me to walk her back home!" We had a good chat. :)
*You continue to have such control over your diet. I'm amazed! For instance, today I was cutting up some broccoli for lunch and you literally cheered. You didn't want to finish 3/4s of your quesadilla, but you asked for extra broccoli. And the other day I got myself a salad at Costa Vida, and as soon as I had it opened, you were right by my side begging for bites. A few days ago I offered all you kids hot chocolate and you asked if you could have tea instead because it was a healthier option.
*You are such a big helper with Benson. I rarely have to bathe him anymore. You ask if he can come in the tub with you, and you play with him and wash him all up. I can really trust you with him.
*This morning you were getting dressed for church and chose the heart tights that Lindy wanted to wear. She was hysterical about it. I was trying to convince he to wear other pairs of tights, when you said, "Actually, I want to wear those other kind instead." And gave Lindy the heart tights. Whew! Thanks for being a peacemaker.
*You and Lindy are great friends, but sometimes you fight. Lately the tactic of choice it pinching each others nipples. !!! I don't know where in the world that came from, but the first time it happened, Lindy came out and tried to explain what happened. I thought I must have not heard her right, but you confirmed it, and I couldn't hold back the giggles as I was very seriously trying to tell you both, "Don't pinch each other's nipples!"
*You have a fascination with knowing what ingredients are in things lately. Every time I make a smoothie, you ask what I put in it before you drink it. Or you'll ask how I made dinner, etc. Then you'll tell me that "You the best maker in the whole wide world!" You are always wanting to help me make stuff in the kitchen. You're my little mini-chef!
*You are quick to apologize to mom and dad. As soon as you realize you've done something you shouldn't have, you say "Sorry Mommy. I didn't mean to"
*You are a really good friend. Whenever a friend of yours comes over to play, it's fun to see you take such an active roll in helping them feel comfortable. You'll give them hugs, lead them around the house, share your toys etc.
*I took you guys to a "Moovin' and Groovin" thing at the library. And although most of the kids were your age, you pretty much refused to participate. This is typical for you. If we're in a group setting where someone is wanting you to perform or do something, you suddenly clam up and become very shy. Or get this look on your face like, "I'm too old for this". So your participation was very limited. But as soon as the activity officially ended, you came over to me and starting being a ham again.
*Today as I was getting you settled for quiet time you said, "Mom, You gotta see charming in the Cinderella book!" You showed me Prince Charming's picture, and I said, "He looks pretty handsome!" And you said, "Yeah, he looks so smooth and neat." :)
*You love telling jokes! However, all of your jokes are very literal, and follow the same pattern. The pattern is: "Why was the _______ scared of the _______? Because the ________ scared him!" For instance, Why was the penguin scared of the shark? Because she shark scared him! Sometimes you'll mix it up a little and say something like, "Why was the tiger scared of the ice? Because the ice was cracking!"
*You are starting to draw letters when you color pictures! It's so exciting for me! You are also turning into quite the perfectionist. You'll want to draw a bird, or a pretty girl or something, and when you can't get it immediately, you throw a big fit, crumble the paper up, and stomp away.
*You are really developing your personality and sense of humor these days. You laugh hard and easily. It usually means you get out of breath quickly and it's super cute.
*You are walking more and more these days. It's probably about half crawling and half walking. *update, as of now 12/17 you are fully walking now. No crawling.
*You really hate sitting still. Especially in church. Anything that restricts your freedom to move is like torture for you. You are also really into climbing. If my memory serves me correctly, you are my biggest climber so far. You even climbed out of your crib the other day! None of us know how you did it. It's a miracle you haven't fallen out of the high chair yet. You climb out as fast as I can put you in.
*You are all boy! You love getting dirty, anything sensory, messes don't seem to bother you one bit.
*You LOVE reading books. You'll grab your board books and follow me around, whining at me to read them to you. You snuggle on my lap as I read them over, and over, and over again. It makes me happy.
*You have a thing for guys! You willingly go to (almost) any male, but not females so much. If I'm holding you and talking to a guy, it doesn't take long for you to lean your body over to them and reach out your arms. Then your first move is to start pointing at something and gasping in excitement, as if you say, "Look! Look over there!" You did it twice the other day in SG while we were at church. I was walking the halls with you during sacrament meeting, and we bumped into Nels Davidson (Mom and Dad's sweet, elderly neighbor). You about knocked him over! Then a little while later John, your cousin, came out. You are a little big for him to carry, but he did his best. :)
*You are really picking up on animal noises. Most animals sounds that come out of your mouth still sound mostly like a sheep, but you are starting to differentiate and it's so fun. You know horse, owl, sheep, horse, cow, chicken and dog.
*You're my tender boy. I read a book the other day about a mother loving a baby before it was even born. When I got done you had tears in your eyes and said, "When you were reading that book to us, I felt loved." The other day we watched a video about operation Christmas shoebox before we packed ours. When we were finished we could definitely feel the spirit. Gwen wiped away a few tears, do did I, but you had to work a little harder to turn off the water works. You said how grateful you were for our blessings and that we can help those other kids.
*You've started reading Harry Potter (the 1st one) We have listened to it on CD, and watched the movie, but this time you're reading it on your own. Honestly, it's above your reading capabilities at this point, so it's a struggle to read. However, it's the first book you have been genuinely excited about reading on your own. I've tried TONS of other books closer to your level to get you excited about reading, but none of them have stuck. So I'm excited and supportive of this initiative! I hope it helps you catch the reading bug!
*You are definitely my kid with the biggest sweet tooth. :) You're a great eater, and rarely complain anymore about what we eat for dinner. The only thing you really struggle with is zucchini noodles. You're the first to offer to finish other people's foods, especially desserts.
*You have a friend, who is...not my favorite. I think he can be rather rude, and I'm hoping some of his habits don't rub off on you. But I am grateful for your interactions with him because it's teaching you how to deal with people like that. The other day you invited him over to play "Just Dance". He came over and you took the first turn. When I asked if he wanted t a turn he said no, because "this is the dumbest game". I was proud that you didn't let it ruffle your feathers, you just stopped mid-dance and said, "Ok, what do you want to play?" And then gave him a bunch of options.
*The other day I commented on how well you were helping Benson and what a good Dad you'll be some day. You smiled and said, "I can't wait till I'm a dad and get my own baby!"
*The other day the library, you were looking at the used books for sale. I was busy checking out books and keeping Benson entertained. I glanced over and see this older woman handing you a dollar. Thinking you might have asked her for money, I stepped over and asked what was happening. The sweet lady very kindly told me that you two were in the middle of a business transaction. That she wasn't doing anything wrong or "creepy" and that I could go back to my business. Curious, I finished checking out my books. She later walked over to me and said how special you were, that I must be doing something right because "He is magic!" Later on I found out that you two had started chatting in the for sale section and you told her about your plans to buy me a book for Christmas. She decided to give you a dollar right then, even though you had already brought your own money, just because she thought you were sweet.
*You really love playing with your friend Aimsley. Sometimes it's a struggle for you not to play with her all the time. The other day she came to the door during dinner, so I said to make sure you tell her you couldn't play. However, I was distracted and on the phone and you snuck right out the door and went to her house. I found you in the back of their van playing with Aimsley. As soon as you saw my face, you knew what you had done was wrong. You said, "I was just so tempted and it was hard to say no when Aimsley asked me to walk her back home!" We had a good chat. :)
*You continue to have such control over your diet. I'm amazed! For instance, today I was cutting up some broccoli for lunch and you literally cheered. You didn't want to finish 3/4s of your quesadilla, but you asked for extra broccoli. And the other day I got myself a salad at Costa Vida, and as soon as I had it opened, you were right by my side begging for bites. A few days ago I offered all you kids hot chocolate and you asked if you could have tea instead because it was a healthier option.
*You are such a big helper with Benson. I rarely have to bathe him anymore. You ask if he can come in the tub with you, and you play with him and wash him all up. I can really trust you with him.
*This morning you were getting dressed for church and chose the heart tights that Lindy wanted to wear. She was hysterical about it. I was trying to convince he to wear other pairs of tights, when you said, "Actually, I want to wear those other kind instead." And gave Lindy the heart tights. Whew! Thanks for being a peacemaker.
*You and Lindy are great friends, but sometimes you fight. Lately the tactic of choice it pinching each others nipples. !!! I don't know where in the world that came from, but the first time it happened, Lindy came out and tried to explain what happened. I thought I must have not heard her right, but you confirmed it, and I couldn't hold back the giggles as I was very seriously trying to tell you both, "Don't pinch each other's nipples!"
*You have a fascination with knowing what ingredients are in things lately. Every time I make a smoothie, you ask what I put in it before you drink it. Or you'll ask how I made dinner, etc. Then you'll tell me that "You the best maker in the whole wide world!" You are always wanting to help me make stuff in the kitchen. You're my little mini-chef!
*You are quick to apologize to mom and dad. As soon as you realize you've done something you shouldn't have, you say "Sorry Mommy. I didn't mean to"
*You are a really good friend. Whenever a friend of yours comes over to play, it's fun to see you take such an active roll in helping them feel comfortable. You'll give them hugs, lead them around the house, share your toys etc.
*I took you guys to a "Moovin' and Groovin" thing at the library. And although most of the kids were your age, you pretty much refused to participate. This is typical for you. If we're in a group setting where someone is wanting you to perform or do something, you suddenly clam up and become very shy. Or get this look on your face like, "I'm too old for this". So your participation was very limited. But as soon as the activity officially ended, you came over to me and starting being a ham again.
*Today as I was getting you settled for quiet time you said, "Mom, You gotta see charming in the Cinderella book!" You showed me Prince Charming's picture, and I said, "He looks pretty handsome!" And you said, "Yeah, he looks so smooth and neat." :)
*You love telling jokes! However, all of your jokes are very literal, and follow the same pattern. The pattern is: "Why was the _______ scared of the _______? Because the ________ scared him!" For instance, Why was the penguin scared of the shark? Because she shark scared him! Sometimes you'll mix it up a little and say something like, "Why was the tiger scared of the ice? Because the ice was cracking!"
*You are starting to draw letters when you color pictures! It's so exciting for me! You are also turning into quite the perfectionist. You'll want to draw a bird, or a pretty girl or something, and when you can't get it immediately, you throw a big fit, crumble the paper up, and stomp away.
*You are really developing your personality and sense of humor these days. You laugh hard and easily. It usually means you get out of breath quickly and it's super cute.
*You are walking more and more these days. It's probably about half crawling and half walking. *update, as of now 12/17 you are fully walking now. No crawling.
*You really hate sitting still. Especially in church. Anything that restricts your freedom to move is like torture for you. You are also really into climbing. If my memory serves me correctly, you are my biggest climber so far. You even climbed out of your crib the other day! None of us know how you did it. It's a miracle you haven't fallen out of the high chair yet. You climb out as fast as I can put you in.
*You are all boy! You love getting dirty, anything sensory, messes don't seem to bother you one bit.
*You LOVE reading books. You'll grab your board books and follow me around, whining at me to read them to you. You snuggle on my lap as I read them over, and over, and over again. It makes me happy.
*You have a thing for guys! You willingly go to (almost) any male, but not females so much. If I'm holding you and talking to a guy, it doesn't take long for you to lean your body over to them and reach out your arms. Then your first move is to start pointing at something and gasping in excitement, as if you say, "Look! Look over there!" You did it twice the other day in SG while we were at church. I was walking the halls with you during sacrament meeting, and we bumped into Nels Davidson (Mom and Dad's sweet, elderly neighbor). You about knocked him over! Then a little while later John, your cousin, came out. You are a little big for him to carry, but he did his best. :)
*You are really picking up on animal noises. Most animals sounds that come out of your mouth still sound mostly like a sheep, but you are starting to differentiate and it's so fun. You know horse, owl, sheep, horse, cow, chicken and dog.
Monday, December 4, 2017
The rest of November
Practicing our camouflage painting skills at homeschool group
We have the sweetest neighbor up the street from us. He makes all sorts of wooden crafts and has been cultivating a relationship with the kids over the years. He gave the girls doll beds, the kids got a big birdhouse, and every time the kids go down to chat, he has a sucker for them. They LOVE going to Gil's. The kids asked if he would teach them how to build things, so we finally set up a day and he very patiently made a small birdhouse with each child. He let them pick out the style, type of wood, nail things, mark measurements with a pencil etc. He definitely did all of the real work, but he made the kids feel like they did. Keeping Benson occupied in a cold garage full of sharp things was a little challenging, but overall it was such a great way to spend a Friday morning.
We dropped off our Christmas shoeboxes again! The kids had so much fun picking out the contents of their boxes. This was the first year I made the older two pay part of the expense. Even though it stung a little, I wanted them to be invested so they could feel the blessings of their sacrifice. We had fun watching videos on Youtube of kids around the world opening their shoeboxes and all got a little teary eyed.
Lindy is really developing a love of books. She loves to "read" them. I got a kick out of her falling asleep on one the other night.
We took Richie lunch the other day. His building is so far away this year, that we don't go visit often. We planned our visit well so that it would coincide with pancake day. :) Typically the day before Thanksgiving break, the teachers cook pancakes all day for the students and they earn toppings through scripture reading etc. The kids really took advantage of all the sugar available. Yeeesh!
Practicing spelling words with shaving cream
Benson thought this contact paper on the wall was super cool
Putting a plate of goodies in the mailbox for the mailman! We have a cute mailman (Lonny). Every year we'll put something in the mailbox for him to say Merry Christmas, and he always sends back a little thank you note.
I asked Miles to read Benson a book to keep him busy while I made dinner, and it was so cute I had to snap a picture. And Lindy was a cute (out of focus) photo bomber. :)
Another little reminder of this stage of life. I was doing laundry and found this plastic horse at the bottom of the boy's hamper. There are some things I won't miss about this stage of life, but a lot that I will- like this. I thought this little memento was pretty cute.
More window jobs!
We have the sweetest neighbor up the street from us. He makes all sorts of wooden crafts and has been cultivating a relationship with the kids over the years. He gave the girls doll beds, the kids got a big birdhouse, and every time the kids go down to chat, he has a sucker for them. They LOVE going to Gil's. The kids asked if he would teach them how to build things, so we finally set up a day and he very patiently made a small birdhouse with each child. He let them pick out the style, type of wood, nail things, mark measurements with a pencil etc. He definitely did all of the real work, but he made the kids feel like they did. Keeping Benson occupied in a cold garage full of sharp things was a little challenging, but overall it was such a great way to spend a Friday morning.
We dropped off our Christmas shoeboxes again! The kids had so much fun picking out the contents of their boxes. This was the first year I made the older two pay part of the expense. Even though it stung a little, I wanted them to be invested so they could feel the blessings of their sacrifice. We had fun watching videos on Youtube of kids around the world opening their shoeboxes and all got a little teary eyed.
Lindy is really developing a love of books. She loves to "read" them. I got a kick out of her falling asleep on one the other night.
We took Richie lunch the other day. His building is so far away this year, that we don't go visit often. We planned our visit well so that it would coincide with pancake day. :) Typically the day before Thanksgiving break, the teachers cook pancakes all day for the students and they earn toppings through scripture reading etc. The kids really took advantage of all the sugar available. Yeeesh!
Practicing spelling words with shaving cream
Benson thought this contact paper on the wall was super cool
Putting a plate of goodies in the mailbox for the mailman! We have a cute mailman (Lonny). Every year we'll put something in the mailbox for him to say Merry Christmas, and he always sends back a little thank you note.
I asked Miles to read Benson a book to keep him busy while I made dinner, and it was so cute I had to snap a picture. And Lindy was a cute (out of focus) photo bomber. :)
Another little reminder of this stage of life. I was doing laundry and found this plastic horse at the bottom of the boy's hamper. There are some things I won't miss about this stage of life, but a lot that I will- like this. I thought this little memento was pretty cute.
More window jobs!
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September 2022
Benson turns 6! He requested a chocolate and strawberry cake where candy spills out of it. :) We went swimming at the rec center, Gwen made ...
Benson turns 6! He requested a chocolate and strawberry cake where candy spills out of it. :) We went swimming at the rec center, Gwen made ...
We finally have our baby here and life is good! This post won't be long, but I know everyone is waiting for pictures and I don't bla...