Monday, April 4, 2016

The rest of March

St. Patrick's Day. It's always fun to have an excuse to listen to Irish music all month long. We managed to have lucky charms that morning with green milk, and typical green smoothies. Later that night, we had our homeschool friends, the Kishpaughs, over for an Irish dinner. We had roasted potatoes, corned beef and cabbage (still not my favorite), Irish Soda Bread and donuts. :)

Miles had his first ever piano recital! He nailed it. He played "Old McDonald" and "The Prince(ss) Waltz". He didn't like the fact that the song he was playing was called a princess waltz, so his teacher graciously changed it to prince. :) I've been noticing that Miles has some high anxiety tendencies, and practicing piano can be a high stress situation. So I was extra proud that he hung in there, worked hard and performed so well.

My Mom came up just to help me with projects. Isn't she great?? She specifically worked on our bathroom. It was nearing completion when the flood in the attic happened last year. When the ceiling caved in, it ripped a bunch of paint off the walls etc. So my mom came in and re-textured some walls, re-grouted the bathtub and vanity, re-painted the walls, and painted the entire ceiling in the bathroom and in the hallway where we took out the old swamp cooler vent. The only thing left for me to do is paint the trim. I can't tell you how grateful I am! Even the smallest task has seemed daunting to me. I would look around the unfinished bathroom and just want to cry. But now, I think painting the trim might be doable for me. :)
She also helped us take the ripped and hashed plastic covers off our dining chairs and scotch guard the fabric. We'll see how long they last before they are totally hammered. We've already had blood and chocolate on the seats so...I guess we'd better start saving up for new covers on the chairs, sooner than later.
She did a million other little things while she was here. I'm sure she went home absolutely exhausted. But we are so grateful she came! We were all in tears as she drove away. Thank goodness she left us some Easter surprises to help soften the blow. Classic Mom. :)

Homeschool Group Day. We ended up hosting twice this month. The second time was kind of thrown together. We were talking about ancient China, so we played with tangrams and built great walls of China. It was one of those projects that you do for the process, not to keep forever. So here's a picture to prove we did it. :)

This girl and her personality are one of a kind. She is the comedian frequently in our family. She makes us laugh every day. She's especially on her A-game when she has a captive audience at meal times. This morning, she was just pulling one funny face after the other.

I wanted to document these two pictures Miles drew/wrote specifically. The first is one of MANY love notes for his girl Ava. He told me it said, "I am filled of love for you Ava. I love you Ava. Love, Miles. P.s. We are awesome." (I'm not sending this one. I'm keeping it for him to see later.) The other picture is possibly my favorite picture he has ever drawn. It cracked me up every time!! He showed it to me and said, "This is me shaking my bum at you. I have a shirt on but no pants!" And then we both started laughing uncontrollably. Note the nonchalant expression on his face.

Miles and Gwen have started "sneaking" in to Lindy's room at night and sleeping on her floor. When I asked why they said, "To keep her company". Ahh, makes my mother heart happy.

1 comment:

Grandma and Grandpa Crosby said...

Loved being with you and your sweet family! LOVE Miles's artwork and love note!!!!

September 2022

Benson turns 6! He requested a chocolate and strawberry cake where candy spills out of it. :) We went swimming at the rec center, Gwen made ...