Tuesday, February 10, 2015

The rest of January!

*FYI, there's another separate post after this one about Miles' birthday.

Daddy and kids sledding. Maybe it's the St. George girl in me, but sledding is not one of my most favorite things to do. It's fine I guess, but I'm always super glad when Richie volunteers to take the kids out. This year it's especially appreciated because we only got the opportunity to go a couple of times! Crazy, mild winter this year.

Swimming lessons! Grandma and Grandpa Crosby's Christmas money they sent to the kids went to buying them their first ever swimming lessons. Miles ate it up. He's ready for the next level and is using the money he got for his birthday to pay for it. Gwen loved her time there, but is still a little timid in the water. We'll work on it.

Super cute Sunday kids. Man, am I crazy, or do I just have the cutest kids ever??

I know this picture is a little gross, but it's also super cool and a big part of our lives lately. Just in case I haven't written about it on the blog, Miles has this thing called "convergence insufficiency". Basically, his eyes don't work well together. So this January we started once a week physical therapy sessions for his eyes as well as almost daily home sessions where we do a couple of exercises with him while he wears his patch.

The studious Richie. Shout out to this awesome guy. I almost don't even realize he's working on his masters. Almost. He wakes up before 5 every day, teaches class until about 2, and then studies for 3 hours and gets home around 530. That's 12 hour days ladies and gents. He's Dad until bedtime, then cleans up the kitchen while I go to the gym after the kids are in bed.

Here's another. If he has any down time at all, he's playing his uke. I'm taking a few photo workshops, so in the near future get ready for a bunch of "artistic pictures." On this particular day, I took about a million of him laying on the couch playing and singing. :)

Miles has been asking us a lot lately if he can paint our nails. Gwen adores him for it. Last Sunday, he painted mine, Gwen's, Amanda's, Helen's and Grandma Garner's nails! When they asked him if this is what he wanted to do when he grows up, he said, "Yeah, sure. I want to do everything when I grow up."

One of those "artistic" pictures. Couldn't resist sharing cause her eyes are just so darn pretty.

Cousins came over for a late night while their mom and dad were at the temple. Cuties.

I'll post more school documentation on the school blog later, but just to show a tid-bit here: Gwen's joy school group was studying the ocean this month. So for the field trip we went to a Scuba Diving shop and then watched some scuba divers in their deep pool. Pretty cool stuff!


Torgersons said...

Your kids look darling in their Sunday outfits! How did you find out about Miles' eyes? Owen has something called Duane's Syndrome where his right eye can't look to the side very well, so his left eye looks cross eyed whenever he looks to the right. It's kind of weird and supposedly can only be fixed with surgery! I wish physical therapy worked! Maybe I'll send you a message about his eyes. I'm curious.

Grandma and Grandpa Crosby said...

Glad the kids enjoyed their swimming lessons! Grateful how Rich is fitting in his studies and is still able to help you with the children! Excited that you are taking photography! You are already good, and these will help you to be an awesome photographer! LOVE the photos of the children, and you certainly are right about Lindy's eyes, and cute in general your children are!!! Hope they have a Happy Valentines!

September 2022

Benson turns 6! He requested a chocolate and strawberry cake where candy spills out of it. :) We went swimming at the rec center, Gwen made ...