I think Miles and Gwen have been pretty lucky lately. That's my biased opinion of course. They still fight sometimes, are still whiny and discontent sometimes, and I'm still completely wiped out at the end of every day. But they seem to be pretty happy kids and I'm so grateful for that. The only sad part about doing all these fun things with the kids is that they probably won't even remember half of them! I guess that's why I'm blogging. :) And so that I can remember them too, when I forget!
Did you know the "Up" house is like, 2 minutes away from our house! I remember hearing about it years ago, and when I googled it, I was so excited that it was so close. We found it, snapped a picture in the stormy weather, and went home and watched "Up". Oh pregnancy weight, how I loathe thee.
Some more play-doh creations by Miles. They started off as Olaf, according to Miles, and then they morphed into something else that I can't seem to remember. He's getting better than me at play-doh. I still stick to making snakes and snowmen.
Our joy school field trip this last month was to visit the farm at Thanksgiving point. We learned about all sorts of animals during the month of April and the kids loved seeing them up close and personal. They fed a llama, listened to turkeys and rode horses. (The definite highlight) Gwen was so sad she had to get off and would kiss her hand and then rub the pony's nose...all of the ponies in the circle. It was kind of a scene and me trying to drag her out while feeding Lindy....sometimes 3 is hard.

Some of our wonderful friends from Idaho were down here in our neck of the woods recently. We were so happy to reconnect! We had dinner one night, and then watched the kids one day while Thomas and Kayla had some date time. Our kids played so well together is was probably the easiest babysitting gig ever. We put them right to work, helping us with the Saturday chores. Magic Erasers make cleaning fun. :)

My longtime friend Jenna works for Discovery Gateway at the Children's museum. She graciously reminded me that she can get us in for free, so we made an outing of it. She sure knows how to spoil us. The kids could have played there all day, non stop. We made them break for lunch, but had to cut it short when Queen Lindy made known her need to eat...loudly..and for a long time... in the restaurant. We headed back and Jenna watched them run around while I ate in Jenna's office and fed the little one. We were all tired out by the end of the day, but we had such a great time. Such a highlight.

Today we didn't have anything planned so we set up shop outside and spent the majority of our morning in the front yard. I weeded while the kids chalked it up, blew bubbles, read books to Lindy in the tent and rode bikes and ran around the street barefoot. They drank out of the hose bib and hunted for leaves. My hands are stained from the dirt and I got a tiny bit of sun on my skin. It was so glorious. We lunched outside and when it was time to feed Lindy, I watched Miles and Gwen from the front window and smiled as they made each other laugh and talked like the best of friends. *sigh* Now they're screaming at each other down the hallway. :)

And just so she doesn't feel left out, here's the latest Lindy portrait. Man, she is a dream baby! She eats well, is super pleasant, and started sleeping through the night weeks ago. I'm talking 8pm to 7am with a little dream feed at around 1030! As of her 2 month check-up last Friday she is in the 93% for head circumference, 92% for weight and 86% for length. Following the rich tradition of her older siblings. :) She is now 12 and a half pounds! The rolls are coming in nicely and her cheeks are so good for kisses. I think Heavenly Father is playing his cards well. If we would have gotten a difficult baby, I don't think we'd have many more. I could handle a few more Lindy June's though. She's perfection.