Monday, February 17, 2014

Hard Work

I've been trying to get my mind wrapped around the fact that in about 3 weeks, we will have 3 kids. I go through phases of complete terror to complete tranquility and everything in between. Lately I've been feeling stressed because I'm actually not stressed and probably should be. Either way, I've reached the point where I'm DONE being pregnant. You know what I'm talking about. I'm just DONE. With the 2 miscarriages, I've been pregnant for about a year these past 14 months or so. Just when I think I can't take any more of sharing my body, I realize it doesn't end once she gets here. There's nursing and trying to lose the baby weight. And then I feel tired. Don't get my wrong, I'm so glad to be pregnant and bring a baby home. Beyond happy. I'm just sayin, it's hard work sometimes.

You know what else is hard work? Consistency. Being consistent in anything takes so much energy, but being consistent as a parent is the hardest thing I've ever done. Why do they want dinner EVERY night? How am I supposed to say the right thing in the right tone EVERY time? Do I really have to wash that blanket AGAIN? The other day we made sugar cookies to get ready for Valentine's day. I always feel like a good mom when I work in the kitchen with my kids and they love it. But no matter what, I always end up getting frustrated. I wish I could stop that. "Don't roll out the dough that thin!" "Put the cookie cutters closer together so you can get more cookies out of it!" "Don't eat that!"

Then that Monday for FHE (another thing it's hard to be consistent at) we talked about saving for missions and paying our tithing. They have been "paying tithing" for a while now, but it's pretty haphazard. So we divided their banks into 3 different places so they could distinguish what money goes where. So far so good. We explained to them, again, that girls can go on missions if they want to, but they don't have to, like the boys do. So now even though Gwen's jar says "Gwen's mission" she will correct you if you don't call it her "Me marry" money. :)
I know I'm just rambling here, but I guess I'm just hoping that something good sinks in to those cute little blonde heads. For every good thing we do, I feel like I un-do it with a sarcastic tone or a sharp word. I wish it was easier to be consistent in the good things and have it come naturally. Parents, does it get easier? The more practice you have, is it easier to bridle your tongue? I sure hope so. This whole "natural-man" thing is the pits.


Kara said...

Good work! You're not alone in being imperfect, and yes it's SO tiring, especially that pregnancy and newborn part. So. tiring.

Two books have been very encouraging for me lately (of course, I feel like I'm neglecting 5 other things when I read, but they've been good for my soul.)

- I Am a Mother by Jane Clayson Johnson, a spiritual reminder about why mothering is so important and so powerful.

- All Joy and No Fun by Jennifer Senoir, a look at modern parenthood and the impact children have on their parents. (i.e. the science behind why you're completely justified in feeling stressed, tired and crazy!) --I actually haven't read this one yet, but I heard two interviews with the author that were so interesting and so encouraging. Keep thinking about what I learned and can't wait to read the book.

Go very easy on yourself! You're a great mom. I hope you have lots of help coming with the arrival of your new little one!

Torgersons said...

Glad I'm not the only one who gets easily frustrated. I feel like I"m constantly nagging my kids to do this or that, please obey, etc. I always feel like I should praise the good they do more, but it's hard to remember! #3 isn't as scary as it seems. You'll do great!

Grandma and Grandpa Crosby said...

Rachel dear, you are one of the most patient and loving mothers ever! You are doing an amazing job with Miles and Gwen! But parenting and pregnancy ARE hard! If they weren't would we truly appreciate the wonder and miracle of it all? As for the question(s) you posed to "parents".........hmm......I'm thinking. Until I have an answer, just know that this new baby girl is particularly blessed to be coming to your home. How I wish I could promise to be a great help to you when she arrives.

Grandma and Grandpa Crosby said... very proud of you...and feel blessed to be your father. You are wonderful and you are doing wonderful things! Dad

Shelley said...

I feel like you have taken the words right out of my mouth on this post. I already want my body back and I'm only 30 weeks. I feel ya with the consistency too! I'm glad I have friends out there going through the same stuff I am. I miss you Rachel! Good luck with your new baby. I can't wait to see pictures!

September 2022

Benson turns 6! He requested a chocolate and strawberry cake where candy spills out of it. :) We went swimming at the rec center, Gwen made ...