We vacationed on the Vallecito Reservoir, about 30 miles from Durango, CO. To find a place to rent that will fit 28 people was difficult, even when I started looking in January, but we found a few cabins (which looked much larger online) on the lake and they suited us just fine. Monday everyone filtered in and got settled.
Tuesday we hung out at the lake and the pool. At the stage Miles and Gwen are at, all the need is a pool and it's the best vacation ever. I'm glad they're so easy to please. I hope it stays that way for a loooong while. We also went out to eat that night at the Bar D Chuck Wagon. It's dinner and a show! They even had a little train there to ride, which just made the best vacation, even better in the eyes of Miles and Gwen.
Wednesday we took some family pictures in our official Crosby family reunion 2013 shirts. Pretty sweet huh? I don't have one of the siblings/everyone because we only had our volunteer photographer use one camera, maybe I'll post it later, but here's all the grandkids (minus 2) in almost perfect age order. We bribed with candy to make this magic happen. Afterward we decided to hike to a river to swim and fish. When we got to the trail head, we asked some hikers coming out how long the trail is. They told us it was 3 miles there, 3 miles back. Yikes. Knowing our kids would never make that on foot, we quickly took our position in the back and enjoyed looking at every flower, every rock, every butterfly, every cricket etc.... We probably only made it a quarter mile, but our kids were so ready to be done, so we turned around and went swimming at the pool when we got back.
On Thursday we sectioned out time for just the gals to be together, and just the guys. I feel silly that I didn't take any pictures of us girls window shopping and eating in downtown Durango! The guys went river rafting later, and I didn't get any pictures of that either. Lame! However I took a bunch of pictures later when we had a talent show to celebrate my Dad's retirement! This might have been my favorite part of the trip. We had guitar, ballet, singing, dancing, skits, football instruction, art, and a grandkids flash-mob. Yeah, we've got a pretty cool family.
On Friday some family hit the road, but before doing so, we watched a movie my sister put together all about my dad growing up, marrying my mom, working, and raising 5 kids. I sure loved that. Throughout the week we made sure we fit in game playing and crafts.
Saturday, the rest of us hit the road. On our way back to Utah, the Lamb family and us Garners side-stepped a little to make a trip to Mesa Verde National park. Despite car-sickness and some fatigue, I'm glad we went. It was a really neat place and Miles keeps talking about where the Indian's used to live. We made it back home Saturday night, and I think I'm still recuperating. We finally got through all the laundry, I think.... The first couple days home were hard because the kids kept whining to see their cousins again. I'm sure glad they are forming friendships with each other. That's the best, most important part!