Miles wrote this on our back patio the other day and I loved it. I worry so much that I'm teaching the right things and he's learning the right things, that when I get these glimpses of his success and his character, it makes me giddy. (In case you can't tell from the picture, he wrote "I love______" and wrote one for everyone in the family)
We had cousins over the other day to play. It's so nice having family close to by to play with!
The kids and Dad finished reading "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" and it was one of our best parties yet and we got to share it with Jenn and Mike! The kids came obsessed with the book and both versions of the movies. I'm trying to talk them into being characters from the book for Halloween because I really want to dress Lindy like an Ooompa-Loompa. :) To top it off, we got some friends from our homeschool group and toured a candy factory up in SLC. It was so cool! I love free tours. Did you know it takes 7 days to make a jelly bean? For our party we had cabbage soup and bread (just like the Bucket family), we invented new "candy" with play-doh, we made oompa-loompa masks, and dipped stuff in chocolate. Yum.
Jenn and Mike came up just to help us remodel our bathroom! It's still not completely done, but it's one million times better. No more dinky blue tiles that pop out, no more chipped toilet, no more mismatched vanity and will probably end up being the nicest room in our house. I'll post more when it's all done. THANK YOU WALLACES!
Miles and Gwen have wanted to do a lemonade stand for quite some time. Luckily, another family in our ward wanted to do one too. Stuff like this is so much more fun with friends! They only lasted a few hours, but they we happy with the end result. Each kid earned $1.50. :)
We painted our rabbit hutch! This was one of those events that I wish I could have just let go and let the kids go wild. But I was too tightly wound and would only allow 2 colors, and no crazy designs. They still enjoyed it, and it looks better than it did. Maybe one of these days I won't be so controlling and I'll let them go crazy painting rainbows and flowers all over it. :)
We're in the process of trying to sell off Kit 2.0. With the first kit, I was turning people down left and right. With this kit, I'm barely getting any bites. ? It's still really fun to have them and it's so good for the kids. Aren't they cute? I love our little bit of a country life. I love it when my kids play peek-a-boo in the sheets on the clothes line. I love it when we pick blackberries and eat them all in one sitting. I don't like it when Lindy gets all wet from the hose the kids left on, and I have to re-dress her. But oh well.
1 comment:
Love, love, love! Love maybe especially the rabbit hutch! SO cute!
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