It seems like I can only get in bi-monthly posts these days! Thus, everything gets kind of smooshed together. Oh well!
We found a free week trial of a clogging class for Miles to attend the first week in August. He thought it was the coolest thing ever. The first day there, the only shoes they had available for him to borrow at first, were girl's shoes. He was absolutely mortified. It took a lot of convincing to get him to actually go into the class. Luckily, a few minutes in, they found some boy's shoes, and restored his dignity. Both he and I desperately wanted to sign him up for the year, but it is all the way up in SLC. Luckily, we found a dance company here in Riverton (same lady Richie's family took from) and we are signing up both Miles and Gwen this year, for a killer deal. I'm so excited!!! If it was up to me, we'd have our kids signed up in everything available. If it were up to Richie, our kids would never sign up for anything. Hopefully we've reached a good compromise. We also have Miles lined up to take piano lessons from our backyard fence neighbor, for the low, low price of window washing. :)
Richie's faculty has inservice things throughout the summer. This time, we all met at Classic Skating in Sandy with our kids, and let them run wild. It's a really fun place! Richie said they used to have "homeschoolers day" and they rented it out only to homeschooling kids for the day. That's where Richie practiced the fine arts of flirting, and other such awkward social interactions. It's also where he skated like a boss! This is the only picture I snapped! Miles,Gwen and Lindy aren't pro skaters yet, but they loved the bounce house section. I, of course, wanted to disinfect them all when we got home.
Mr. Ethan turned 5! Makenna threw him an awesome Curious George party. We had so much fun celebrating with him!
Once May came around this year and our school year was winding up, I thought that we'd probably just keep going throughout the summer because no one was feeling burned out. Then about 2 weeks later, I felt burned out. So I thought we would just keep our reading up. I felt like Miles lost a lot of progress he could have made, if not for his eye issue. Also about half way through the year, Gwen just kind of jumped on the reading wagon, and I didn't want her to lose her progress either. So we started doing reading lessons a few times a week. But then the kids got burned out. So we stopped all together. Now that we are getting ready to start school next week, I can't believe how fast this summer went. Possibly the fastest summer of my life. And I'm not ready, physically, emotionally, or organizationally, for the school year to start. At some point over the summer I officially took down our map and postcards from around the country we had received. I also took down our human bodies that we had added to throughout the year. The kids were sad to see them both go, but hopefully we can ease the pain by putting up other fun things. (Hopefully. Wish us luck)
Check it out. Out first attempt at preparing and eating a rabbit we raised. Oh yes, we did. I had no idea Richie was ready to slaughter any rabbits. I came home one night from the gym, and the house smelled like bleach and he was a little white. I couldn't believe it! But he walked me through the entire process and showed me the frozen rabbit meat to prove it. I cooked it up the next day. Like everyone said, it tastes like chicken, just a little tougher. The kids went through quite the turn-around. They went from being abhorred at the idea of eating a rabbit to "I can't wait till we kill a rabbit and eat it's meat! I want to see it's heart!" Ahh! Well, first one down. Here's to many more.
1 comment:
I guess eating the rabbits was inevitable, but part of me want to shout "NO!" Love the pic of Gwen in the sunshine.
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