My one and only April Fool's Tradition- Brown E's- Brownies. They all know it's happening, and they all still play along and are grateful for real brownies.
Conference and Abelskivers!
We decided that for science, we'd do an egg drop with the Fogles. The kids really got into Mark Rober and his epic egg drop test, so this was fun. We dropped them from the roof and not one broke!
We had the best time down in St. George for Lindy's baptism! I'll do a separate post about that. We wanted to make attendance easy for my parents, so we had the baptism in SG and treated ourselves to a lovely week down in the warmer weather. We got to hang with the James family at the splash pad, visit Aunt Natalie at work and see what she does, have an Easter Egg hunt with the Crosby cousins, arts and crafts with Grandma of course and TV and eating out with grandpa of course. :) We also planted some flowers for my Dad's birthday.(74!) It was such a lovely week.

Easter Time! Bunny butt pancakes, resurrection rolls, candy bird's nests, Jerusalem dinner, egg dying and hunts, and an Easter Event put on at a stake in Meridian. It was really cool for the older kids. It was really crowded, frustrating, and took way longer than I anticipated for the younger kids and Richie, so they ended up watching a movie in the car. But they had the gym set up with displays about the last week of Christ's life, including a replica of the Pieta. Then they had a "living art" presentation in the chapel. They recreated famous works of art of Christ with people. Super cool.

We love homeschool PE days! And Davy loves it when I let him tag along. :) On one of these tennis/park days, I loved playing store with Davy. He collected leaves and pinecones and created food for me to buy. His vocab and imagination are so dang cute! I also loved watching my older ones entertain the other younger kids in the class. They patiently helped them on the monkeybars and pushed them on swings. Made me so proud.
We hosted the activity day girls at our house and had a farm day. We let them bottle feed Miles's calves, saw all the animals, and then cooked all the different types of eggs and had them taste test which ones they preferred- store bought, farm chicken eggs, duck, or goose.
Lindy's best friend, Emma Fogle, got baptized the month after her. So glad we could be there to attend!
Our ward put on a women's run for the second year in a row. I'm surprised it wasn't as well attended this time. I so appreciate the ladies who put these on.
Benson at his preschool class! They had a superhero day and he wanted to wear his batman shirt. Sometimes we have to wait in the car until class starts, or he waits for me to pick him up, and he picked me this bouquet of dandelions. Such a sweet boy.
Catch all- Homestead and Homeschool etc pictures