Our Benson Bear turned 4!! Wow! What a sweet kid. This is the 3rd year in a row he wanted a dinosaur cake. I built up the idea of an exploding (dry ice) volcano for his cake, which he loved. Unfortunately we never got the dry ice for it...We were so busy that week. He didn't seem to mind. He loved the dinosaurs on it that he got to keep and was completely thrilled. :)
He got his #4 pancake in the morning, and got special privileges throughout the day. In the evening, he asked for Chick-fil-A for dinner. We opened his presents: A cool sit-on digger for the sandbox, a stomp rocket, and a dinosaur puzzle. I love that he is SO easy to please. Later on that week, we were down in SLC area and Richie took he and the kids to the dinosaur museum. A tradition 3 years in the running for Benson's birthday. :) Love this kid.

I had been feeling that pull to get down to SG again to see if I could help my mom. The past few times visiting has been different because of her health. We haven't wanted to overwhelm her or bring more germs with her compromised immune system. So this time we decided that just Miles and I would go down, and Richie would go to SLC to visit his family with the rest of the kids. Turns out, my mom turned a corner and was doing SO much better. Miraculously better. It was wonderful. So even though I wasn't as helpful as I wanted to be, Miles and I had a great time visiting and Richie and the kids loved seeing everyone in SLC. Miles especially had lots of one-on-one time with Grandpa Crosby. They really seem to have a special bond and I love it.

When Miles and I came back from SG, we stayed another day in SLC to break up the trip. We celebrated Benson and Makenna's birthdays and picked pears in the garden. We have been so blessed with food this year, despite having no garden space. I also tried to set up hangouts for the kids with old friends, but it ended up only working for Miles. He played video games with his buddy Parker one morning. It made his whole trip I think, but then he was sad all over again about moving. I miss having them hang out too.
The day we got back, we we able to host some friends of ours who were on their way through. It was so fun to see the Andersons again!

Science Co-Op with the Fogle's! When it's one of our turn's to host and teach the science lesson, the other one will usually try and teach a handicraft, and entertain the littles during the science lesson. This day I brought ingredients to make pizzas as models of cells, and I brought "magic colors" for the littles out back. Since I haven't done a joy school/preschool thing for Benson, and probably won't, my mom guilt gets to me sometimes. I have done something for each of the kids for 2 years each. I don't have the money to put him in a preschool, and I don't have the energy to pull together a group. With Miles and Gwen, there were lots of people who wanted to participate. With Lindy and Benson, every time I asked around, it was like pulling teeth to get a group together. So, I'm working on intentionally pulling together activities for preschool for Benson's sake, and the sake of my mom guilt. :)

The big kids are a great help to me during homeschool. When I have to work with one kid, I can ask the other one to entertain the littles. This day, Gwen found the dress-ups and entertained the younger 3 forever! She took pictures of them all and was so proud.
Miles became very motivated to haul wheelbarrow loads of manure onto the pasture when we told him we'd pay him $1 per load. He has some video games he wants to buy. We think we picked out a good spot for our garden, so we wanted to get it ready for the spring, he wanted money, done! It's been so good for him. And he's worked so hard!
Chickens growing, Davy picking blackberries, Davy+Mama, Davy loving his tea (he only drinks water, milk and tea. Absolutely nothing else)