We spent Christmas Eve at the Garners eating our broccoli cheese soup and rolls. Jacob also had some Korean friends staying the night, so Mama Garner incorporated some Korean dishes, which was a fun twist. The kids acted out the nativity, and you'll just have to believe me because I didn't get any pictures. I was filming though, so at least it's documented somewhere. The grandkids got to open their gifts from Grandma and Grandpa Garner and I don't know who was more excited, them or me. They got a bird clock and a interactive globe. (As pictured below)
When we came home, the elves had been to our house and left us new Christmas Pj's! I left their keepsake books on top of their new pj's. This year I got "The Spider and the Fly" for both Miles and Gwen. They loved reading it lots and lots this past Halloween. And I thought it was extra fitting because it's about creepy crawlies, which we have studied a bunch this year. I got a replacement book for Lindy. She loved her first version of this book so much, that the original is now in half and ripped all up.
The kids slept in, and when I woke up Richie was busy making our home all sorts of cozy. It's my favorite Christmas tradition since we became home owners. He starts a fire and makes us German Pancakes. :) We finished our breakfast (grapefruit included, of course:) and then tried to get them to line up youngest to oldest. Tried. This year, we made a new deal with Santa. Santa will only bring 4 gifts from now on, and the rest are from family and friends. He'll bring them 1.Something they want 2. Something they need 3. Something they wear 4. Something they read. It seemed to simplify things. Miles big gift was a Wii and Mario Kart. Gwen's most exciting gift was her very own makeup.(She's been having LOTS of fun with it, as pictured. So far, she thinks the make-up is to help transform her into different animals) Lindy was happy with whatever was put in front of her. :)
All the kids got a group gift from Santa: Frogs. We just finished studying amphibians, so this was particularly fitting. My very favorite part of Christmas day was after all the dust had settled a little, and Gwen came to inspect the frogs more closely. As is so typical of her, she pulled them out one-by-one very tenderly and talked with them for a good 5 minutes straight. She named them Jumpy and Quicky, and could immediately tell them apart. (I still can't). Every time I tried to hold them, they would jump and squirm, but Gwen is a frog whisperer! They are totally content with her. It was magical to watch her experience this. It was like she was just in her own little world, and I got to observe.
While the kids (and Dad) Binge-played Mario Kart, I was busy in the kitchen making lunch for the missionaries. Richie is the Ward Mission leader, so we thought it appropriate to have them over. We were also hoping that some nice people in Slovakia were having Jeffery over for lunch too. These are my favorite missionaries so far. It was a joy to have them over!
Later that night, we had pot-luck dinner at our house, exchanged gifts, and then watched the kid's new movie, "Inside Out". We have been trying to spend as much time with Ross and Amanda before they have to head back to Oregon, and it was so fun to have them here for all the festivities.
The day after Christmas we went sledding with Ross and Amanda (no pictures unfortunately) And later that night we went to the Museum of Curiosity at Thanksgiving Point with everyone. I've been hearing great things about this place and it did not disappoint. It was the coolest!!!!
It's been such a great holiday. I realize that unfortunately, the kids won't remember a lot of what happened, but I hope we successfully created lots of warm, cozy, happy memories for them to tuck away somewhere. We feel very grateful.