I have this problem where even when my body is tired, I lay awake at night and my mind just races. Last night was worse than some, and I thought, "Why don't I just go blog about it and get it all out of my head." Luckily I fell asleep, but the thoughts are all still here. Here you go, you lucky dog you.
*Why do I find the need to go to places like garage sales and the DI and convince myself that I NEED this person's old junk? I don't know. But I did find another awesome
suitcase at DI yesterday. It's picture worthy, so I'll post one eventually. Richie is a little bit scared that I might be on the show "Hoarders" one day. I convinced him I wouldn't....Then I came home with another suitcase. It followed me home???
*I found a really cool way to use up some of the parsley I am growing in abundance. You cut about a half cup of parsley, put in a bowl, pour 1 C boiling water over it and let cool. Then take the parsley out and you are left with an all natural facial toner!! Crazy huh? I just bought a little plastic bottle at Wal mart for .99 and if you keep it in the fridge it will last for about a month. I'll let you know if my blackheads go away. Either way my face smells awesome after I use it, not like carrots, like Richie says.
*I also found a yummy recipe for Popsicle in Family Fun magazine this month, so I went and bought some long over due Popsicle molds. (Did you know you must capitalize "Popsicle" I just found that out thanks to spell check. Go ahead try it for yourself) 1 ripe banana, 1/2 C coconut milk, 8 oz crushed pineapple. Blend and freeze. Pina Colada Popsicles! Yum!
*Miles is starting to try and say words. It's so cool. Yesterday we played with Play-dough (talk about a good smell) and after I told him the color he'd try and repeat it. Purple= Poh Poh Orange =Ach Yellow = lelelele (no possible way to type what it sounds like) Blue= Boo!
*As I was reading my scriptures today, I found one of those pearls that you find even after you've read the BoM more than once. Alma 44: 5 Moroni refers to the support that wives and children give their husbands as sacred. Pretty inspiring
*Is it possible to be "nesting" when you're not pregnant? One of those things keeping me up last night was how to rearrange furniture and where should I hang those cool plates I found at the DI, and modge podge and chalk board paint, and yellow walls...on and on and on.... Richie noticed me sitting almost straight up staring at a wall and he asked if I was okay and what I was thinking about. I said, "plates." He looked irritated, and went back to bed. :)
* I am officially a seamstress. (I typed 'sewer' and then realized it looks like the place where the toilet flushes go. Maybe that's why they invented the word 'seamstress') You may think just because I got a sewing machine, that I was automatically a seamstress, but no. I now know how to do all the threading preparation etc (thanks to you tube and trial and error and the users manual) You would think I could remember something as easy as that. After all I've sewn before....Anyway, I knew I needed a simple first project. So I used some of Miles well worn, cheap fabric receiving blankets, some old batting and made doggie beds. It was originally going to be a bed for Clarece, but we all know how that story ends. Miles and I are planning on taking them to the animal shelter here. After all, dogs and cats won't care if the stitching isn't correct.