*We have been quarantined for about a month now, and it finally caused you to have a breakdown. I was certain all of you kids would have one before the month mark, so I was surprised it took you so long. You had a few moments one day that were a little rough around the edges. Nothing awful, just not your normal-perfect self. Well those moments, added to a snap at your sister at bed time, brought on a wave of guilt. I felt so badly that you felt so badly for incredibly minor mistakes. It took almost an hour of me helping you calm down, and while it was a tough parenting moment, it was also one of my sweetest.
*You asked to have your hair cut! You have been growing it out for quite some time now. Maybe about a year? You even talked about growing it out long, like to your shoulders. I gave you a hard time about it sometimes because you refused to comb it and put gel in it 90% of the time. It looks really great when we actually style it, but when we don't, it can tend to looks pretty wild and disheveled. I kept saying, I don't mind if you have long hair, as long as you do it! :) So it was surprising to me that you wanted to cut it. Grandma took care of it one Saturday when they were watching you. You're handsome no matter what.
*You're in this transition period, from childhood to adolescence, which is sometimes a little uncomfortable. Totally understandable.You're not really a little kid anymore, but you're not a teenager yet either. You're starting to mature in physical ways and mental ways. You like to have something mature to respond with in tough situations, such as when we had to take your school lap top back today and you said, "Well, that's just how life goes sometimes. You never know how life is going to go. It's been a really good tool for me to use." Stiff upper lip and all that jazz, even though you were so sad to part with it :) And you're asking more mature questions etc. It's been fun and enlightening to have these conversations with you.
*You are my little wild child lately. It seems like in the last 6 months or so, a lot of typical "girly" edges are being rubbed off. You hate wearing dresses now (you change out as soon as possible because you feel like you can't move freely in them), and you hate doing your hair these days. You even resent me asking you to brush it in the morning. Either you or I will eventually get it brushed, but it's rare these days that you let me style it at all. You like it long, in your face and tangly.
*You love texting. :) Dad and I will sometimes go on a walk at night after everyone is in bed, and leave a phone with you guys and take one with us. You're usually the most nervous about this, so you like to grab the phone and text us periodically to see where we're at. You especially love using emoji's :)
*You are a leader. You always have a creative game or scenario you've made up to play with siblings or friends. When friends come over, you never even think to ask to watch a show or play on the computer. You usually come up with something far more entertaining to do. :)
*The other night Lindy was crying for a heating pad, but we couldn't find any others. You had the only one available. I tried looking, but to no avail. Luckily, without any prompting from me, you gave yours to her because you could tell she needed it more. I was so grateful. It really warms my heart to see you being so kind to your sister specifically since you two can also push each others buttons.
*You are consistently my slowest eater. :) Sometimes it's because you're savoring your food and chewing slowly, but most of the time it's because you get distracted and want to talk during dinner.
*You are my child who most often says "Thank you" for routine things that I do, without being prompted. It's not uncommon for you to say, at a meal, "Thanks for making us this yummy food Mom!", or "Thanks for doing this for us" when I've gone out of my way to make something special. It's always so appreciated.
*You have the longest stories to tell. :) You always want to teach a lesson, or tell us a story, or a recount a shot-for-shot reenactment of a conversation you had with someone last week. I'll admit, sometimes it takes all of my self-control to listen to the entire account. But you're so dang cute, and I want to be interested in what's interesting to you.
*You are my longest prayer these days. When I asked someone to say a blessing on the food, I have to think for a minute how quickly we need to get food in our bellies before asking you to pray. :) And maybe I've mentioned this before, but Dad and I get a kick out of how you phrase things in your prayers sometimes. You thank Heavenly Father for things that haven't happened yet. In reality, you just have trouble phrasing things sometimes. But Dad and I like to think of it as a manifestation of your faith. "Thank thee that we won't get sick, Thank thee that we'll have a good time on our trip" etc. :)
*You are ALL about the monkey bars lately. You were bound and determined to make it across them last summer, and this summer you are focused on
mastering the art of monkey bars. Even if it means popped blisters on your hands.
*You NEVER sleep in your own bed. You either sleep on the floor of the girl's room, the floor of Mom and Dad's room, or (99%) of the time, you sleep on the hard floor in the hallway with every.single.pillow and blanket you can steal from the other bedrooms. It's maddening and utterly cute.
*Dad and I love how both your age and your personality help you to be thrilled with so many things. You do get grumpy/angry/tired for sure, but for the most part, you are just so happy all of the time. And you are thrilled with the simplest things; a rock, mud, a stick, a dog walking down the street etc.
*You are such a negotiator! If we ever say, "5 more minutes." You'll say, "No. All the minutes!" And then if we double down on the 5 minutes, you'll say, "Ok, just 1 more teensy weensy minute?" You can usually find a way to twist some words to get exactly what you want.
*You don't mind going barefoot most places. Even when that means walking across harsh landscapes, You like to be shoe-less.
*Still 1,000% boy. You love jokes about poop, and saying the word penis, and asking me to wipe your bum, and picking your nose... And just when I think, "ugh gross! Why??" You'll wrap me in a big hug and tell me how much you love me. You're so affectionate with me and I super love it. Every night when we ask what you kids are grateful for, for the last 3-5 months, you've said, "Mommy". Sometimes...you're grateful for Daddy, but usually it's me. I love your willing hugs and kisses.
*You are a real grump these days. From about 9-1 you're just ornery. It makes school time difficult. I love you so dang much, but I count the minutes until nap time. And you're only doing 1 nap (have been for quite some time, ugh) and sometimes it's not even that long of a nap! It's killing me! You're one good sleep habit is that you go to bed at like 730, and wake up around 8. So you sleep great at night and don't wake up too early. Gotta give you points for that.
*Your "conversations" have taken on a more advanced tone these days. Your voice inflection is starting to sound like a real conversation.
*You are starting to take more steps! The other Sunday (4/19/20), you were standing on your own, which was fairly new, and then you just randomly took about 10 steps to Dad! It was amazing! You collapsed into his arms and gave him a big, long hug. It was adorable.
*You now know the sounds for horse, sheep, dog (just panting), and chicken (just moving your mouth open and closed-like saying "Buc-Buc" but with no sound. Ha! You are also really good at the signs for more, all-done, night-night, milk, and brush teeth. You're next trick is learning the parts of the face. I'm pretty sure you know "nose", and are close to getting all the others.
*You love playing Peek-a-boo ("Where's Davy??"), and you love it when I sing the song, "Here is the beehive, where are the bees..." when I change your diaper. It's the only thing that keeps you still enough! And you have your own little sign to indicate that you want me to sing it again.
*You are SUCH a picky eater lately! Today, you barely ate anything. I don't know how you managed. But you refused almost everything we offered you except your oatmeal at breakfast. It's driving me crazy. You LOVE milk, and you love to drink. You're always so thirsty. But when it comes to food...your palate worries me.
*You have started folding your arms for prayers. I've also heard you say,"All done" when you sign it. (Sounds like Dah-Dah!) And as of this week (last week in May 2020) You have started walking the majority of the time!! Yay!!!
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