*As always, you are my empathetic boy. At least once a day, but usually lots more, you will notice a teeny-tiny shift in my mood and ask me how I'm doing, or what the matter is. All it takes is for me to almost inaudibly sigh, and you're right there asking how you can make it better.
*You seem to be feeling..."in-between". Tonight when we were with the Garner side, you didn't really want to go outside and play with all the kids, but you seemed uncomfortable sitting with all the adults talking. It's tough being 10!
*I brought up school the other day, and you about collapsed into a sobbing heap on the floor. I tell ya, this moodiness of yours (specifically about school) is reeeeally throwing me for a loop! Like...big time loop. I'm trying so hard to listen to the Spirit and get answers to how you should be schooled this upcoming year, but nothing concrete is coming through yet. This is the first time I've seriously considered sending you to public school. It's not my first choice for sure, but I'm sure you'd do well there. I just want to help you be successful, and I'm in favor of doing whatever gets you there. ??? Parenting is crazy hard. I challenged you to specifically ask for a positive attitude relating to school in your prayers, and you and I came up with 5 positive affirmations that you are going to say out-loud every day. Hopefully that helps you get over this hump a little till your Dad and I get more insight.
*I've been mulling over this thought of "If I had to use 1 word only to describe my kids at this point in their life, what would it be?" I think I've narrowed it down to one word, although you're all clearly more than this 1 word, it has been fun to think of you all more in depth. Miles, I think your word would be "sensitive". It can be a double edged sword where you can be easily offended etc, but generally I think you're sensitivity, your empathy, your awareness etc is one of your greatest strengths. I'm so grateful for your open heart and your tenderness!
*We went to the dinosaur museum for Benson's birthday and we invited our neighbor friends, the Holbrooks, to come with us since Benson loves playing with their little boy Riggin. Matt couldn't come and Mandy is very pregnant, so chasing Riggin around was hard for her. You just stepped right up and were Riggin's best bud the whole time. You helped him get his shoes on and off, put dress ups on, wash his hands after playing in the sand, chasing him to the next exhibit...all with a smile on your face having a great time. It was so helpful to Mandy, and it made me insanely proud.
*All on your own, you decided to order yourself an alarm clock so you could wake up early and get stuff done. Dad and I have had to really make an effort to be more hands off when it comes to you kids and your spending choices, so that you'll learn more lessons than if Dad and I monitored every single purchase. This was one of those times I thought, I don't know why he's buying an alarm clock. He'll never use it. You have been proving us wrong! I'd say 50% of the time, you wake up around 6, get all of your morning routine stuff done, and then I'll see you outside on your longboard, or playing basketball, or playing the use outside. I'm super impressed, since that's not my jam at all.
*You are very into doing your own hair these days. You've only had minimal practice, so your attempts are still very amateur. And that's ok! But when I know we'll be out somewhere in public, I still try and convince you to let me help a little :)
*Your cousin Jo-Jo showed you her youtube channel and you are a little obsessed with it. You are also fairly obsessed with Studio C (youtube), Dude Perfect (youtube), Minecraft, and Sugar Rush(Netflix).
*The word I think of for you at this point Gwen is "capable". It seems like whatever you decided to engage in, you have success; school, piano, dance, making friends, etc. You name it, you are generally pretty good at it!
*You love checking out books from the library about creating. Kid's cooking books, kid's crafts, kid's fashion etc. I wish I had the time to really dive into some of these books with you. But generally these instructional books are not for kids to do all on their own, and I don't always have time to help you through them. Today though You tried a "recipe" from a kid's candy book. Basically marshmallows, with melted chocolate on top and sprinkles. I was laying down in my room, but heard you working away on your creations with Lindy by your side. You sounded to competent and proud. And you were so patient as you directed Lindy and sometimes Benson in their "helping".
*You are usually strictly obedient. If I say, "turn it off" or "I need you to come clean this up" etc, you'll respond "Ok Mom!"
*You are by far, the most mature 5 year old I know. You're still 5, so it's not like you're spouting Shakespeare or anything, but every time I set up a play date for you and a friend who is your age, it becomes painfully obvious to me how much older your seem than most of your peers. I don't know if that's good or bad, it just is. I think it's great in the sense that you are intelligent, well rounded, etc etc. but sad in the sense that you have a hard time relating to girls your age. You usually spend those play dates "taking care" of the friend, and then when they leave you seem a little relieved and tell me that they are silly and maybe a little....annoying. :) I blame it on the fact that your more frequent friends are Gwen and her friends who live on our street. ?
*Dad and I still have to be very careful of how we discipline you. You're very sensitive to criticism and usually feel like things are all your fault, even when they're not. The other day you came out of the bathtub without a towel into the kitchen, to ask me where the shampoo was. My fuse was short and I snapped at you a little for getting the floor all wet. 10 minutes later, Gwen came running through the kitchen and slipped hard on the puddle. 5 minutes later after your bath, you ran through and slipped hard on the puddle. I said (loudly) "That's why we don't get out of the tub without towels!!!" and I proceeded to angrily comb through your wet hair. It wasn't a major blow-up or anything, but it obviously stung you to your core and I felt so awful.
*Lindy I think your word lately would be "Determined". You seem to have this inner fire burning in you. Your siblings are doing something you want to be involved in? You'll learn how to ride your bike in record time to keep up with them. Everyone around you goes to the bathroom in a potty and not a diaper? You'll potty train faster and better than any previous kid. You want to learn how to do the monkey bars/read/bake things on your own/etc? You'll figure out a way to make it happen, even if it's hard and doesn't seem doable.
*One of my favorite prayer-isms of yours lately is that you'll pray for our food to "healthy us up". :)
*You came home from a friend's house the other day with a black eye. I didn't even bother to ask how it happened. It just seems par for the course for you. Mr. adventurous, no fear, accident prone boy.
*For being so adventurous, you sure can be timid around water! At the Crosby family reunion this last week, there was a big pool where we stayed. The kids basically lived in it while we were there. We'd put your puddle jumper on and turn you loose, but you always remained where your feet could touch the ground.
*I haven't thought of a word for you yet. I think I'll wait and see how your character plays out in these next few years. If I were to choose a word right now, it would be "Boy" or "Two" ! You are the embodiment of a 2 year old boy. Stubborn, sweet, silly, dirty, rough-and-tumble, tender, mischievous, curious, wants to be right in the action.
*Our neighbors have a boy (Riggin) who is just a little younger than you. All of the other kids have playmates over there, so it works out great for you that there's one your age too. However, I figured since you're two, you wouldn't be interested in actually playing with friends. I was wrong! You get so excited when you see Riggin outside and you want to run and play with him. You'll give him hugs and want to play with him. He's not as interested yet, which is sometimes hard for you. :)
*Your favorite things to call people these days are "Knucklehead Noogie"(an insult or angry exclamation), "My Sweet Baboo"(a term of endearment). :)
*You are the king of boogers. For reals. You seem to always have one stuck up your nose the size of your entire nostril. And you hate the process of me getting it out. :)
*You have been having some trouble being constipated lately. Makes me so sad cause I know you must be uncomfortable. But you are still generally just a happy-go-lucky baby! Sometimes it makes your naps shorter, but overall, still so chill. I'm blaming it on teething!
*Your first tooth popped through!! WAHHHHH!! Every.single.one of these milestones makes me so happy, and so sad at the same time. Stop growing so fast baby!!
*You love playing with Daddy. No one can "rough house" with you like Daddy. So he definitely gets the most laughs and giggles from you! It's adorable.
*Still not sleeping through the night. But you know what? You only wake up once, and I really don't mind too much. You must be my last baby! Yes, it makes me way more tired. Yes, I'd love to sleep a solid 7 hours. But when I hear you crying, I just want to cuddle you some more. Now, if you wake up more than once, or wake up once and then wake up for the day really early...that's a different story. But generally, you're a great napper/sleeper.
*Although I am a little sad with each milestone you reach, it is incredibly liberating for me to get rid of stuff you're no longer using. Babies take up a lot of house space with all their accessories! You never liked your baby swing really, so I gave it to a friend and pulled up the bouncer. Man, you love that thing! You love to bounce! Whenever someone holds you, you make them bounce you the entire time. :)
*Your favorite song by far is "Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer do..." Except we change Daisy, to Davy. It calms you down every.single.time.
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