I found out right before Christmas. It was the day of our nephew's birthday party and I thought, hmmm maybe we should just tell everyone here now. Especially since Ross and Amanda are in town. And then Ross and Amanda announced that they too are expecting!! We are so excited for them. We decided to keep our mouths shut for a while. However when we went down to SG during the Christmas break, almost all of the Crosby adults were there and we figured it couldn't hurt to tell them. Over the next few weeks I told one or two individuals, but it was still mostly a secret. We weren't ready to tell our kids yet, because if we told the kids, the secret would be out. It's not too hard to tell your immediate family that you had a miscarraige, but to tell everyone is difficult. So we waited. Eventually we told The Garner family at the end of January. Not too long after that, I had a stranger ask me when I was due. So even though I thought I was hiding it well....others said differently, and we let the cart out of the bag.
*How far along are you?
As of this post today, I'm 15 1/2 weeks along. That puts my due date right about August 28th. I've only ever had winter and spring babies, so I'm a little nervous to be super pregnant in the summer.
*How have you been feeling?
Generally pretty good. The first trimester was typical for me. Not really any throwing up, but generally feeling gross and nauseated most of the time. Also extreme tiredness. Waking up from 12 hours of sleep and still needing more. Wanting to go to bed at 8 with the kids. That type of tired. I was on survival mode, so lots of things went undone. Now, I feel pretty much normal. Still more tired than usual, but all the sickness is gone. I'm at that lame stage now where I'm in between maternity clothes and regular clothes. I look mostly chubby, unless you get me at the right angle in the right shirt etc.
*Are you going to find out what it is?
Oh yeah. We can't wait. We're kind of hoping for a boy. Miles says, "I need a buddy!" But honestly, we're happy with either gender. This pregnancy feels really similar to Lindy's, and at my first appointment my midwife guessed it's a girl because of the fast heartbeat. ???
*Other Notables
That first trimester my cravings were intense for salt and vinegar. Chips, pickles you name it. The more salt and vinegar the better. And I didn't want to eat chocolate! Crazy. I had very vivid dreams. I was super forgetful, especially when trying to think of everyday words.
The kids are beyond excited. They pray for the baby all the time and ask questions about it frequently. It's fun.
There you have it. I'm plenty nervous to have 4 children. However, at this point I'm not as nervous as I was when I was pregnant with Gwen or Lindy. So far, it's true what everyone has told me. That after three kids, you're kind of like, "Well, I'm already overwhelmed, why not throw another kids in the mix?" Although I imagine that once that due date looms closer, I'm going to start freaking out a little more. :) Ready or not!
So happy for you! I'm seriously a nervous wreck to have 4 kids, which is why Chad is over 2 and I'm still not pregnant. ;) Dan's been ready for a long time too, but he doesn't have to be pregnant and birth the baby. Husbands are probably always ready first! Again, so happy for you. Congrats!
Congrats! How exciting. You look great =)
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