8:00 am Miles is always the last to stumble out of bed. He must be my child. He comes out this morning rubbing his eyes, and complaining that his mouth hurts. I ask if he has some food stuck back there or something. He sleepily says, "I don't think so!" So he opens wide and I'm shocked to see a molar making it's way through. "My 6 year old is teething??"No wonder his mouth hurts! Poor guy. We do our breakfast routine. The kids have almost got "Fifty Nifty" down! We have cold cereal and smoothie. No toast. "I need to make bread later," I remind myself.
8:30 Kids get dressed, check on the dog's food and the rabbit's food (more on that later). I help with teeth brushing and hair-doing. Gwen wants a high bun again. She's really into those these days, and she looks so dang cute in them, so I oblige.
930ish It's Lindy's day to "choose" the morning learning show. "Baby Signing Time"! Wahoo! I took a shower last night, so I'm a little ahead of the game, but I still run once the movie starts, so I can get ready as fast as possible. Without Lindy's morning nap, I'm still learning how to function. Get ready, read some scriptures, make my bed, lay down for a second, and the movie stops. Time for school!
10:00am We begin our official school stuff. It's so fun to watch their reading skills really progress. Lindy does her part by trying to destroy everything we do. Atta girl. I find myself taking REALLY deep breaths a lot during this time. I ignore most of the mess she has made, and we head upstairs.
11:30am We all head outside so I can hang up a load of laundry. I get about half of the load up, when I realize it's too windy! The clothes are snapping off the line as quickly as I put them on! So I pull them off to avoid an embarrassing, "Hey, I think my garments floated into your yard yesterday" conversation.
11:45 Gather kids into the car. Stop at the dry cleaners for Richie's suit coats. Make our way to the Dr.'s for Miles' weekly eye appointment. Ugh. Please can we be done with this? We are so glad for the opportunity, everyone there is so nice..yadda yadda. Trying to entertain Gwen and Lindy in a really quiet Dr.'s office waiting room for an hour, every week for the past 10ish weeks is getting old.
1:20 Make it home. Change another diaper, put baby down, feed kids lunch and read them "The Friend" while they eat. They are really loving this new tradition. Me too! They pick up on unfamiliar words and we have great discussions. Words like: Sealed, adopted, eternity etc.
2:00 Quiet time for everyone! Hooray! Both Miles and Gwen come out once, but overall are doing great entertaining themselves. Miles is absorbed in some picture he is drawing, and listening to books with CD's from the library. I peek in on Gwen and she has some elaborate scene going on, involving a pirate ship, legos, and her small princess dolls.
3:00 Lindy wakes up prematurely and I spend the next hour and a half trying to convince her that she should nap some more. "I'll give you anything you want, just please nap!!!" Something along those lines. I let her cry until I can't take it anymore, and resign myself to the rest of the afternoon/evening with an awake Lindy. Pay some bills, write some Thank You notes, feed Lindy more fruit loops, make a few phone calls, pull out the play-doh, start making bread. Gwen plays on starfall.com, Miles plays play-doh, Lindy snacks on some grapes, I make bread. We rotate activities and read a few books in between.
5:30 It's clear it's going to be a food storage dinner night, and even with an easy dinner, it's still going to be late. I let the kids start a movie BEFORE dinner. Woah. I must be tired. They know they have to agree on the same movie in the evening, and sometimes their negotiations are infuriating, or really entertaining. Tonight, they were so grown up about it all.
6:00 Got dinner on the table, but the bread isn't quite done yet. Richie gets home. Hallelujah! He's been working so hard on his Masters. He had all this time planned out to get a class finished, and then we had an unexpectedly crazy weekend. So these next few nights are long ones!
6:24 Bread's almost done, but not soon enough for me to eat before heading out to a presidency meeting. I kiss everyone and head out the door while they watch "the sacrament movie." Oh you don't know that one? "Prince of Egypt" to the uneducated. :) I don't know why they chose this nickname, but it must have something to do with the fact that we watch it sometime during Easter Week, usually on Passover.
630-830pm Primary Presidency meeting at Amy's house. It's only our 2nd, so we have lots to talk about. I love these gals so much already. I can tell we're going to have so much fun. Oh darn it, the meeting ran long. Guess I can't help with bedtime.
8:40 I walk in and Richie is on ksl again looking for homes in small Utah towns with lots of acreage. Uh-oh, he's got that look in his eyes! Like a puppy dog. He's more trunky than normal and very seriously wants to buy the house he's looking at. This time, it's in Moroni. He's convinced it's like Sugar City, Idaho, aka, The Promised Land. He starts doing the dishes while he talks about relocating. But he's so tired, so I send him to bed. We pray together first and ask Heavenly Father to put us where he needs us, whenever he needs us.
9:30-? I browse blogs, catch up my own blog, do the dishes, iron, basically, whatever I want. "Oh, what's this link? One of the Duggars is courting? Oh I'd better click on that." :) Freedom.
I write these types of posts because one day, my life won't go like this. And I'm afraid that if I don't write it down, I won't remember it. I might remember some big things, but I'll have trouble remembering the minute-by-minute events that fill in all the little crevices. I won't remember that Miles came over and pinched my bum while I was making bread, because he saw his dad do it the other day, and how I had to have a little, light-hearted talk with him about how that's probably not a good idea. I'll forget that Gwen came out of quiet time and saw me eating some chocolate chips and asked if she could please have some after quiet time was over. And how she lit up and when I said, "Of course" and then walked away looking so much more grown up than she is. I won't remember Lindy's funny faces and the way she pushes my buttons, just because she knows she can. So I write it down.
I love this! I should do it. Obviously we are both staying up late reading blogs/blogging. A much needed release. You're superwoman. I hope Richie didn't burn your bread. Last time I left Brian in charge he let it bake for 90 minutes. A total loss. The bread gods fired him forever.
I loved reading this. I laughed out loud at the, "my six year old is teething?" So funny! And the part about reading about the Duggar who is courting. I love your blog! I relate to so much of it since our kids are practically the same age. I think instead of Moroni you should move to Kaysville so we can play.
So glad you document these moments, because you are right. One day you will forget! Loved reading it!
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