Our theme this month was transportation. We also talked a lot about Valentine's Day. We try and take pictures every week to show the other moms what we did, so here's a type of joy school photo journal from the last month, without documenting every little thing, and with most of these pictures being of my kiddos, not the entire group. :)
Week 1- Red and Blue make purple, trains, red light/green light.
Week 2- Making Valentines, Boats, using cars to trace numbers, and the library center.
Week 3- car mat, play-doh, cutting and worksheets, blueberry yogurt, puzzles
Week 4- Watercolors, construction with rice and tractors, making blue and red spinners (to make purple again; our color this month) and making traffic lights for snacks.
In addition to planning the 4 joy school days, you also plan a monthly field trip. We just got back from ours today and I think it was a hit. At least my kids thought it was pretty cool! I wanted to give them an experience riding different kinds of transportation. We utilized our public transportation systems (a first for me) and rode trax up to Murray and then took a bus to fashion place mall. We lunched at the food court, but unfortunately didn't have time for much else before we had to catch our bus and train ride home. We managed to peek in a super cute paper store and buy some candy for the ride home; only the essentials people. :)
Wow, that made me tired just reading about it! Glad it went well:). Goodluck with Number 3!
Made me tired, and reminded me of a bus trip I took with my four oldest children when they were still very young, and I think 3 of Kay's children, from Grandma and Grandpa Hinckley's home on 12th avenue to downtown SLC where we had lunch at a Burger King I think. Then rode the bus back home, just so the kiddos would know what it was like to ride a bus. I was wearing a yellow t-shirt that had MOM printed on it in big green letters. I remember getting some interesting looks as I shepherded my little flock around.....and I was exhausted by the time we got home.
Maybe you can enjoy a little break now before "Baby June" arrives. ........but not too long please.
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