I think playing in the leaves is pretty important, so it stayed on my plate the other day. Before raking them into a pile, I tried to make it into a maze. It was cool for about 2 minutes. We bought the kids their own little rakes and have them help us rake leaves sometimes. At first they thought it was a great idea, now they think it's a good idea for again, 2 minutes. One day when they're big enough to really work, I'm going to make them rake all the leaves while I sit inside on the couch and eat nutella off a spoon.
I'm in charge of joy school this month and we're talking about Thanksgiving and Dinosaurs. Today we had our monthly field trip to Thanksgiving point to go to the dinosaur museum. Such a cool place! Especially when you don't go on $2 Tuesday and have to shove your way around all the other warm bodies in the building. Yes, we paid full price, but it was so worth it being able to breathe and run around. Miles and Gwen ran from exhibit to exhibit shouting "Look mom! Look!" I bought the kids some glow in the dark stars, and Miles bought himself this ugly dinosaur chomper thing that will probably break tomorrow, that he thinks is the coolest. He didn't even wince as I yanked $5 of his hard earned money from his bank.
I don't have any pictures of the primary program, but Miles participated in his very first this past Sunday and I wanted to document it. I always hoped I'd be down in the audience watching for his first program, but I teach in the primary, so I watched the back of his head. :) He's been so excited to say his part. "My name is Miles and I am a child of God." He loves getting up to talk in sacrament meeting. In fact, we have to hold him back every fast Sunday so that he doesn't become "that" kid that everyone thinks is cute the first couple of times and then they roll their eyes whenever he gets up there. :) This last fast Sunday he insisted on doing it all by himself, he wouldn't even let Richie or I come up to help him. He just talked and talked all about how he was sick, and he's been to the dentist etc etc. Luckily he managed to get in a few gospel principles, and I'll admit, it was pretty dang cute. This past Sunday however, he whined and cried almost the entire primary program, except when he gave his line. The reason? He had overheard Richie and I talking about Sister Gardner in the ward and how she wants Miles to marry her little girl Presley. We laughed and thought it was cute. Presley is in Miles primary class. They got all settled up on the stand, Miles asked Presley to marry him and she said no. He was heartbroken the rest of the meeting. Cutest reason to sulk on stage ever. I found out later that another girl in his primary class also got her feelings hurt that Miles asked Presley to marry him and not her. :) Are we really starting that this young??
One more picture for good measure. Like I said, we're running on max speed these days. Sometimes just getting the kids in bed is a huge feat. We got the kids in bed, I was headed for the gym, and Richie crashed on the bed. Right before I left, Gwen asked if she could snuggle dad for a little while. He said "Ok, but only for 2 minutes and then you're back in bed." Miles made his way into the bed not much later, and when I came home this is what I found. :)
great post!
Yes you will get busier and busier! But it is a wonderful time of life so don't get so busy you can't find joy in it. Even us empty nesters and retired folks can get too busy doing things that don't matter in the long run. And you definitely got it right when you said "playing in the leaves is pretty important". Keep thinking that way and your children will grow up with wonderful memories!
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