Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Babies in a basket

One of the things we were most excited about when we went home searching was land. We've been waiting a long time to put in our very own garden and work OUR land. We definitely couldn't afford multiple acres for cows, chickens, bees, a garden etc etc etc. But we were able to afford a decent plot of land, and this past weekend we started turning our dream into a reality! Cue loads and loads of manure! Richie's brother Jacob helped Richie haul loads upon loads of manure/compost/mulch. Have you heard of the "Back to Eden" gardening technique? It's they way we've decided to garden, Youtube it if you're interested. The only logical spot for a garden on our property just happened to be right where the nicest, most lush, weed free grass was, of course. So we put the newspaper down, covered it with mulch and said goodbye to the pretty lawn. The next step is to cover it all with wood chips and then wait all winter while the nutrients sink deep into the ground. In spring, we should have optimal soil for the food we want to grow! Yipee! We also put in 4 new fruit trees; 2 apple, 1 more pear and 1 more peach. We couldn't find any nectarine trees, so I'm still holding out for 2 of those. Hopefully in the next 3-5 years we should have 9 producing fruit trees on our property! 2 apple, 2 peach, 2 pear, 2 nectarine, and 1 cherry. My mouth is watering already! These pictures don't show how big the garden will be since they are just starting the process, but once it's all prepped, I'll document the size more accurately. According to Richie's vision, this is only phase one. He wants lots more producing plants in our landscaping, but that will all take time and money. One thing at a time right?

The kids and I "helped" putting the garden in a little. But mostly, I worked on laundry while the kids played in the empty baskets, and I have some pretty cute pictures to prove it.

Gwen's fake laugh

Miles' fake cry

Miles practicing his "I'm too cute for you to punish me" face.


Becca said...

How nice that you don't have to fence your garden. The rabbits drive me crazy here. I'm excited to see what you end up planting. Super cute kids!

Taysom Wallace said...

Congrats on starting the garden, the fruit trees sound super cool! Miles and Gwen have some of the best expressions! :) I miss you all so much! Love you!

Torgersons said...

Yay for a garden and fruit trees! Isn't it so fun?!

Grandma and Grandpa Crosby said...

I have to tell you it sounds like a lot of work! But that's a good thing, right?!

As always the kiddos are darling! And yes, I still see a lot of Christy/Rich/David in that cute little Gwen girl of yours.

The Wallace Family said...

When are you going to come and help us with a garden?

Wii are the Nelsons said...

How exciting! Can't wait to see it next year =)

September 2022

Benson turns 6! He requested a chocolate and strawberry cake where candy spills out of it. :) We went swimming at the rec center, Gwen made ...