Some things Gwen has accomplished recently:
*She is a pro army crawler. She is still working on the hands and knees crawling technique. But she's pretty darn fast.
*We're really having to watch what's on the floor now that she has her pincer grasp down pat. She's been putting EVERYTHING in her mouth. I don't remember it being this bad with Miles. All within the past 2 weeks or so she has eaten dog food, choked on leaves and pine needles, almost swallowed a screw and grabbed one of those glass ball ornaments and bit it so hard, shards of it were swimming around in her mouth and cutting it all to bits.
*She can pull herself up on almost anything nowadays and is really enjoying the new perspective. Now that she can do this, our house is always more messy. She pulls all the clothes and blankets out from the changing table (I remember Miles doing that) and a favorite is to pull all the movies out of the box they're in. Now that she's realizing all this mobility, it has made diaper changing and getting clothes on one of my least favorite parts of the day.
*She's cut 3 new teeth! Yowza!
*She'll give you dead fishy kisses if you ask for them and loves to wave hello.
*She's already getting into the groove. She "sings" and "dances" whenever we turn music on or sing and dance around the house.
*I don't know if this is new, but she definitely prefers solid foods to baby foods. Isn't it funny how you can pick up traits of theirs and predict what they will be like when they get older? She's so darn stubborn, but in a very quiet way. If she doesn't want that baby food on the spoon you're shoving in her face, she'll just lift her eyebrows, shut her mouth tight and turn her head away, as if to say, "How dare you." So we've learned that she's more open to eating baby food if you scoop it up on a small piece of bread, or banana, or sweet potato etc. So weird. She's also a very determined little scooter. If she wants something, she goes and gets it.
Anyway, that's Baby Gwen in a nutshell these days. She's one of the most smiley babies I've seen and I LOVE being her mamma!
All dressed up for Church
Snuggling with big brother watching a movie
Using the bouncer as a swing! yikes!
She saw something on the other side of the changing table, so she pulled everything out and army crawled inside.
Cute Girl!
I cannot believe how big she is! It's a new ball game when they start getting into stuff...I love the picture of them snuggling watching a movie! Miles is such a good big brother. Cute cute!!
She IS a doll, and has been such an easy going baby! But it was inevitable that her mobility would give you both a new "perspective" on things. Good luck keeping up with her and Miles! I sure miss those kids.......and their cute parents!
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