We had been slowly preparing for the party during the week so by Saturday morning when I was putting a tablecloth on the table, he ran into the kitchen saying "Party! Party!" And once his friends got here he couldn't contain himself. There was lots of running around in circles, jumping, screaming, giggling. It was so fun to watch.
We let the kids loose in the office area which was complete with a "ball pit" (balls and balloons in our tent) a slide (table on it's side) and a car making station. I painted the tops of fruit boxes with chalkboard paint, strung some string through them so the kids could wear them on their shoulders after decorating them with chalk and "drive around". I think that one was a little out of their range, but that's ok.
After some play time, we came in for a light lunch of bean dip with chips, fruit dip with fruit, PB&J, lemonade, and cookies. Everyone was so thoughtful with presents so we opened them and had cake and ice cream and that was it! Would you believe Miles didn't even want to eat his cake and ice cream because he was too busy playing with a new toy? My jaw was on the floor for a while. His Rexburg Grandma gave him a fishing game and it was the hit of the entire party. Nevermind the car mat his mom worked on tirelessly for a month. :) I knew that would happen.
It was a car themed party so each child got a hot wheels car to zoom around with and I made a car cake. I guess for never making one before it kind of looks like a car. ? It was supposed to be red....I ran out of food coloring, so Richie lovingly called it the Mary Kay Chrysler Car. :) Here's some pictures of the car mat that consumed my life the entire month of January. It's complete with all places important in Miles's life right now including: The temple, our "house", our garden, Paul and Lahni's, the DI, Ace Hardware, the Library, the grocery store, the park, the duck pond where we frisbee golf, dixie, G&G Crosby's house, G&G Garner's house, Wasatch mountains, sledding hill and the river we feed the fish at. Whew!
what a fun party, you are so clever!
That's a really cool car mat!!! :) When I come down to Idaho, you're going to have to teach me some sewing tips :)
What a great party! Loved the cake .... and noticed that on the table you had matching "tire" cookies! But the car mat is my favorite thing! Miles will love it more and more as time goes on. It's fun alone, or with friends. Just ask Ben.
Love the car mat! We have the one that your mom made Ben. Theo loves it and likes to play on it and sleep with it. Great party! Happy B-day Miles!
I feel the need to tell you again that this was a super duper party. It was completely age appropriate and the kiddos were in heaven. Thanks for letting us come! Also I forgot to tell you how awesome the fruit dip was. I'll be needing that recipe :)
Superb! I am still so in love with the car mat idea! your decor for the party was also way too fun! just wish we could have been there to celebrate too.
Once again, I am thoroughly impressed with your creativity and the amount of time and work you put into everything you do. I am certain that Miles will cherish that car mat as he gets older. Tess was looking over my shoulder as I was reading your blog and she asked, "when am I going to see my cousin again?" Hopefully, soon!
You're amazing! What a FUN party!
Its amazing how time flies and how much they grow! Miles is such a cutie! I will definitely keep you posted on the potty training process. Its funny because I potty trained tons of kids in my preschool, and was a pro, but with J I am more aprehensive and nervous even though I know what to do.. Its so different with your own kids than others.
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