However, we were more than ready to be home after this trip. Why does anyone with kids in their right mind ever take a vacation? WHY???? It just exhausts the child and thereby the parents. Miles was totally off schedule and one night stayed up basically all night. Finally at 630 I got up with him and we went on a drive so we wouldn't wake anyone else up. We drove and drove and drove, all within a 10 mile radius to avoid getting lost and I had some good retrospective time to cry and think about all things deep like, "Why do these stupid birds settle on the road?? Don't they know another car is coming in about 10 seconds?" and "That house is beyond huge! I'm almost positive the owners are involved in illegal activity." Thank goodness for good family around to take Miles from me when they can tell I'm this close to beating him, and who cleans up the massive amounts of puke he just created after Thanksgiving all over the floor. For the few major negatives, the trip was definitely positive over all. Miles even traveled great and we were blessed not to slide off the road like so many others.
I took a real belly shot (24 weeks) on Sunday because I was feelin' cute in my new early Christmas present from my mother-in-law. When I got to church a very sweet woman was asking me when I was due etc and then proceeded to politely tell me that every time she sees me I just get bigger and bigger! I must have looked shocked, surprised or like I was going to shoot lasers out of my eyes at her because later on she tried to dig herself out of that whole by telling me I was just "blossoming". Thanks a lot. I still have a sense of humor (thank goodness) at this point in the pregnancy because this is my favorite stage of the whole process.
Vacations with young children are miserable, which is precisely why we never go anywhere.
You would think that a woman would know better than to say that to you, but I think that she meant that your belly that houses the infant in is getting bigger, not you.
can i just tell you how much a relief i find it to read your blog and hear that someone else has their hands full with their little boy too?!
You look fantastic! And I miss you little sis...
Glad you had a decent Thanksgiving. Barf and lack of sleep always seems to put a damper on things for me.
You look lovely in your dress!!! so pretty! For as much as Miles was ornery, he sure looks happy in those pictures? :)
You are so stinkin' beautiful!!!:) Yep, just thought I'd mention that. Love you!
Ray-shell, you look SOOOOOOOOO pretty in your last picture posted here! Seriously--SO PRETTY. I miss you! I know it's super crazy when you guys come down, but if you have a minute let's do lunch!!! Love you!
You look fabulous! Your tummy looks wonderful! And I love your dress and your hair!
You look so cute. I love your hair!
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