Grandpa and Grandma getting some kisses on Miles after bath-time!
Uncle Jeffrey sharing some Nilla Wafers with Miles
Before Sledding:
During Sledding:
After Sledding:
See how much fun doing your taxes is???
Everyone humored Miles by dancing with him
I've never been able to get a video to upload. This one did, but it wouldn't play for me when I viewed me blog, let me know if you can watch it.
Thanks for the great weekend Garners!
the video of your cute little boy is up and working!!
I'm glad Garners were able to come for a visit! And especially that they were able to help you get a better return. Love Christy's hair!
Not sure I should have watched the video. You're pretty brave to let Miles go it alone! But he did good! or, He did well! Which is it?
I cannot believe that video!! Way to go Miles down the hill practically by himself! Wow!
THAT SO AWESOME!!! the video works :) YEah for Miles going all on his own! It doesn't matter if ya can't leave home, just as long as the fam can come to you. (sigh) someday we'll be in closer proximity. I'm glad that you all had a good time.
Videos only can be uploaded on Blogger when they're under 100 MB or about 30 seconds long. You can only see the video after it's posted, but not when you're composing it, if that makes sense.
That's an awesome video-how fun!
Haha, Miles looks like he doesn't know what is going on. Your video was fun to watch. :)
I love it. What a brave little boy, oh and a brave mommy too.
Oh, I wasn't there for the sledding. I was just as surprised/scared to see that he went down by himself!!
Oh, I wasn't there for the sledding. I was just as surprised/scared to see that he went down by himself!!
Hey! So has a ton of free buttons you can pick from. Sorry it took me a while to get back to you! Nice family pictures by the way!
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