We are trying an experiment this year of buying no non-consumables. I read a book about a family who did the same experiment and it just made a lot of sense to me. We are already de-junking like crazy, since the house we will be living in for a few years is about half the size of the one we're in now, and we don't want to rent a storage unit. This challenge just offers another step up from that. I could go on and on about my feelings about this...maybe another time.
It's been going really well so far. One of the things we've had to get creative with is making Valentine's! We had broken crayons, ingredients for play-doh, paint swatches I grabbed for free, condiment cups, magnets and scrabble tiles, free printable Richie printed at work...The kids all turned out top notch Valentine's, it didn't cost me a dime, and we used up more things here that we won't have to move later one!
We had a homeschool Valentine's Party where we exchanged Valentine's, made paper hearts, frosted sugar cookies, and then "heart-attacked" a few widows in the ward. It was a great way to celebrate, but I was feeling stressed because our house was a wreck. Everything from the kitchen was still in boxes in the living room. Chaos. But we made it through and the kids had fun. My favorite parts were seeing Miles and Cee-Cee running off together to play like actual friends, and finding Miles on the couch comforting Brendan who was having a rough time.
On Valentine's, we had our traditional mini heart pies, and I heart-attacked the kid's door with things we love about them. Later that day when I took Richie's truck to clean it, as per tradition, the kids found their way outside and had a mud-party. Thank goodness for soap, and water, and washing machines. :) We were supposed to swap babysitting with Ian and Makenna, but we each had some sickness going around our families, so we had to cancel. So on Valentine's night, we got heart shaped pizza and then we went around the table and each said something we love about each person. That, hands-down, is my new favorite tradition. We laughed and cried, and it was like I could literally feel the bonding happening. Gwen even teared up when she was saying why she loved me- saying she was glad I was her mom, and teacher, and also her friend forever. Melt my heart! The next day, we had our fancy dinner (oooh-la-la) complete with chocolate fondue. :)
Monday, February 24, 2020
First Half of February
Oh remodeling.... So grateful we can pull this off...So done with the process. I know it will be worth it in the end, but I'm getting tired of it all really. Luckily, the cabinets are officially done now, so at least we have the contents of our kitchen back in the kitchen, and not in boxes in the living room. Ugh! That has given me a breath of fresh air, and I can keep washing the dishes in the tub for a little while longer I guess. We're getting close-ish! Grateful for Rex who is making our piece-meal cabinets work, thanks to his can-do attitude and years of experience. And who is doing it all for much less than he's used to, I'm sure. Good people are everywhere. We also got all of our windows replaced on the first floor. Again, a guy in our ward who does window replacement on the side really helped us out by giving us a deal. So, so grateful. Richie's parents came to see the progress and commented on how much nicer things are, and what a bummer it is that we didn't do this when we first moved in. I had to remind her that there was no way we could afford it when we moved in...or at any point in the almost 8 years we've lived here! The only reason we can afford it now is because we moving- and we know we'll make the money right back. :)
I took the two little boys to the dinosaur museum on a Wednesday when the older kids were at Canyon Grove. When the older kids found out, they were a little jealous...but they got over it quickly. Benson and Davy deserve to have fun outings just for them too, since some outings tend to be geared toward the older two. I love having that pass, and going when I know it's going to be slow. :) It's the best!!
Banana ice cream for Breakfast!
I got a haircut, and I feel the need to document it here, because it never looks as good as when the hairdresser does it!
Homeschool group field trip day to the Tracy Aviary! We have always wanted to go, but just never made it happen. So I was glad this was on the agenda for the day. The bird show was super cool! Gwen got to help feed this...hawk? medium sized bird of prey?? Either way, it was cool, even in the cold and snow.
The kids steal my phone all the time and take hundreds and hundreds of selfies. Here are a few gems recently
Monday, February 17, 2020
Miles turns 11!
Some years we let the kids have friend parties, other years it's strictly family, other years they can invite a friend or two for a fun outing and that's the extent.... It just depends on money, and my energy level mostly. This year we decided to let all the kids have friend parties since we'll be moving later and we want them to celebrate with their buddies here.
We are also trying something new this year with the oldest 3 where Richie and I give them $100 for their birthday, and they are in charge of budgeting that money for whatever they want to do. But that's all they get for a party, or an outing, or presents from Mom and Dad. They can take the $100 and we will just do fun family things that day, or they can use all of it to throw a party. It's up to them. Miles is pretty obsessed with Harry Potter. I'm not mad about it. :) He chose a Harry Potter Birthday and kept it pretty simple. He decided on a late Friday night party where his friends would make wands, eat cake and ice cream, and then watch Harry Potter #8. Easy Peasy, right? We borrowed decorations from a friend, made a really simple, festive cake, bought supplies for wands, and still had $56 dollars left. (Later on we pooled that money with Aunt Makenna and got him a huge Harry Potter Lego set he was dying for).
That morning we decided to take a break from "regular school" and do an Atlas crate, which included making pretzels.
That afternoon, we used a coupon he'd been given at Canyon Grove and went to "In and Out" for lunch. Always a special treat.
Afterward, to make the day feel special, we ventured all the way up to SLC to the huge library. We'd never been, and we had a voucher for a free kids book. We thought that'd be fun. Turns out, the coolest part of it all was the glass elevators. I should have known.
I tried so hard to make it a special day, but I was running on a shoe-string mental and physical budget. 2 days previous, I couldn't get out of bed, I was so sick. But you know who doesn't care that you're sick?? Kids. Even though Miles is incredibly sweet, and told me once or twice, "No Mom, we don't have to do that...." I could hear it in his voice that he would be disappointed if we didn't. So I forged on, like moms do. Unfortunately, that means I also snapped more than I should have. I'm afraid my "cheery" demeanor tainted the fun day.
The next day was his party. Miles, as usual, didn't want to leave anyone out. So he invited his entire primary class, plus 2 of his best friends who are in the older class, plus an old friend that used to be in our homeschool group. I didn't have a problem inviting so many kids. They're all good kids. What I forgot was that the kids are all bigger now. And louder. I kept telling myself that this party was going to be a breeze. All we're doing is making wands, opening presents, eating cake and ice cream, and then plopping them down in front of a movie. I forgot how loud kids can be, and how the majority don't want to sit quietly and watch a movie at a party...Which presents a problem for my nerves. Again, my mood was tainting the fun. So eventually Richie was the adult out in the fray, and I hunkered down in my room. Alone. I went out later after all the kids left and helped clean up the most popcorn ever left on a living room floor to date. ahhhh...Deep Breaths. Hopefully Miles remembers his party fondly :)
We are also trying something new this year with the oldest 3 where Richie and I give them $100 for their birthday, and they are in charge of budgeting that money for whatever they want to do. But that's all they get for a party, or an outing, or presents from Mom and Dad. They can take the $100 and we will just do fun family things that day, or they can use all of it to throw a party. It's up to them. Miles is pretty obsessed with Harry Potter. I'm not mad about it. :) He chose a Harry Potter Birthday and kept it pretty simple. He decided on a late Friday night party where his friends would make wands, eat cake and ice cream, and then watch Harry Potter #8. Easy Peasy, right? We borrowed decorations from a friend, made a really simple, festive cake, bought supplies for wands, and still had $56 dollars left. (Later on we pooled that money with Aunt Makenna and got him a huge Harry Potter Lego set he was dying for).
That morning we decided to take a break from "regular school" and do an Atlas crate, which included making pretzels.
That afternoon, we used a coupon he'd been given at Canyon Grove and went to "In and Out" for lunch. Always a special treat.
Afterward, to make the day feel special, we ventured all the way up to SLC to the huge library. We'd never been, and we had a voucher for a free kids book. We thought that'd be fun. Turns out, the coolest part of it all was the glass elevators. I should have known.
I tried so hard to make it a special day, but I was running on a shoe-string mental and physical budget. 2 days previous, I couldn't get out of bed, I was so sick. But you know who doesn't care that you're sick?? Kids. Even though Miles is incredibly sweet, and told me once or twice, "No Mom, we don't have to do that...." I could hear it in his voice that he would be disappointed if we didn't. So I forged on, like moms do. Unfortunately, that means I also snapped more than I should have. I'm afraid my "cheery" demeanor tainted the fun day.
The next day was his party. Miles, as usual, didn't want to leave anyone out. So he invited his entire primary class, plus 2 of his best friends who are in the older class, plus an old friend that used to be in our homeschool group. I didn't have a problem inviting so many kids. They're all good kids. What I forgot was that the kids are all bigger now. And louder. I kept telling myself that this party was going to be a breeze. All we're doing is making wands, opening presents, eating cake and ice cream, and then plopping them down in front of a movie. I forgot how loud kids can be, and how the majority don't want to sit quietly and watch a movie at a party...Which presents a problem for my nerves. Again, my mood was tainting the fun. So eventually Richie was the adult out in the fray, and I hunkered down in my room. Alone. I went out later after all the kids left and helped clean up the most popcorn ever left on a living room floor to date. ahhhh...Deep Breaths. Hopefully Miles remembers his party fondly :)
Tuesday, February 11, 2020
Second Half of January
We are trying to use our Thanksgiving Point pass more than usual. We didn't renew it this year, and our membership runs out in March, so we need to squeeze all the use out of it we can! This time, Richie kept Davy at home, and I took the older 4. So much more manageable. That means for the most part, I can keep an eye on Benson, and the older 3 can keep track of themselves. I have a love hate relationship with places like these. The kids love them, they're educational, gets the wiggles out in the middle of Winter. But they're usually crowded (even when I try to plan more low key days/times) and Benson usually ends up getting lost at least once and gives me a heart attack.
We tried to help the kids make vision boards and get excited about making some goals. Things like this always sound so great in my head, and then I'm left wondering if it did any good. ha!
Lindy got on a puppet show kick for about a week, and she and Benson would put on puppet shows from behind the couch. :) :) :)
Benson and Grandpa, enjoying some reading time after Sunday dinner. One of Benson's favorite pastimes. Also, taking baths whenever and wherever he can get them. :)
Not every book I read with the kids is deserving of a book party. But "The Fantastic Mr. Fox" definitely is. We invited the James's over to celebrate with us because they love the story just as much as we do. We meditated, wore bandit hats/ Davy Crockett hats/ animal masks. We had roasted chicken, apple cider, apples with stars on them, and jelly filled doughnuts. We wanted to play a version of "whack-bat" but the weather would not permit it. We watched the movie and had a dance party. So much fun! All except the fact that we had all been taking turns being sick in January, and the night of this party, Gwen got sick and threw up. So she had to be quarantined. Bummer.
Every year Richie teaches the Book of Mormon for seminary, they put on a "tree of life" hands on experience. It's always a good opportunity to take my kids through. They really go all out. They black out the entire building, make the rod go through all the rooms, they have sound effects, and "mists of darkness" and people tempting you to leave the rod, etc. Then you hopefully end up at the Tree of Life (which was a neighbor's old dead peach tree Richie chopped down :) ) and you get candy. :) The kids loved it. Again, I was hit with the realization of how important it is for me to be firmly clinging to the rod for the sake of my children. When I have to be holding Benson's hand on the rod the entire time, and reassuring Lindy the whole way through, it makes it acutely clear that my role in their testimony growth is paramount right now.
Knowing we are moving is both helpful, and also extremely confusing. We are living in limbo, but acting like living here will be our life for the rest of forever. Very strange. But as far as the positives go, knowing way ahead that we are moving is giving us ample time to remodel and pack/dejunk slowly and deliberately. I packed up our "nook" the other day and with the empty cupboard, Benson created a "cave" where he used rubber stamps, and read books, and felt very cool with the lantern in there with him.
Like I said, we have been rotating through sickness in the house for at least a month. I think I personally have had something since Christmas. No fair! It is this Zombie virus, that makes you sick, you get almost all better, then it hits again. Mine hit hard the last 2 weeks in January. I couldn't get out of bed for 2 days. I'm just now regaining some motivation and functioning on more than just survival mode. Why is it so hard to take care of yourself, but you can doctor up 5 kids and a husband no problem? We'll see if we ever have all 7 of us healthy at the same time again. Fingers crossed!
Benson is OBSESSED with "building videos" lately. He will sneak upstairs while we're doing school, and find them on Youtube if I don't hide the mouse. It's just these 2 guys in some jungle place in the world, building things with minimal, primitive tools. It cracks me up how much he loves them.
The girls all ready for Sunday! Gwen helped Lindy with her hair, and they had worked hard to clean their room the day before, so they insisted on pictures. They posed themselves. :) They are my 2 that fight the most. But they also really love each other.
So much Davy cuteness!!
Ordinary school stuff :)
We tried to help the kids make vision boards and get excited about making some goals. Things like this always sound so great in my head, and then I'm left wondering if it did any good. ha!
Lindy got on a puppet show kick for about a week, and she and Benson would put on puppet shows from behind the couch. :) :) :)
Benson and Grandpa, enjoying some reading time after Sunday dinner. One of Benson's favorite pastimes. Also, taking baths whenever and wherever he can get them. :)
Not every book I read with the kids is deserving of a book party. But "The Fantastic Mr. Fox" definitely is. We invited the James's over to celebrate with us because they love the story just as much as we do. We meditated, wore bandit hats/ Davy Crockett hats/ animal masks. We had roasted chicken, apple cider, apples with stars on them, and jelly filled doughnuts. We wanted to play a version of "whack-bat" but the weather would not permit it. We watched the movie and had a dance party. So much fun! All except the fact that we had all been taking turns being sick in January, and the night of this party, Gwen got sick and threw up. So she had to be quarantined. Bummer.
Every year Richie teaches the Book of Mormon for seminary, they put on a "tree of life" hands on experience. It's always a good opportunity to take my kids through. They really go all out. They black out the entire building, make the rod go through all the rooms, they have sound effects, and "mists of darkness" and people tempting you to leave the rod, etc. Then you hopefully end up at the Tree of Life (which was a neighbor's old dead peach tree Richie chopped down :) ) and you get candy. :) The kids loved it. Again, I was hit with the realization of how important it is for me to be firmly clinging to the rod for the sake of my children. When I have to be holding Benson's hand on the rod the entire time, and reassuring Lindy the whole way through, it makes it acutely clear that my role in their testimony growth is paramount right now.
Knowing we are moving is both helpful, and also extremely confusing. We are living in limbo, but acting like living here will be our life for the rest of forever. Very strange. But as far as the positives go, knowing way ahead that we are moving is giving us ample time to remodel and pack/dejunk slowly and deliberately. I packed up our "nook" the other day and with the empty cupboard, Benson created a "cave" where he used rubber stamps, and read books, and felt very cool with the lantern in there with him.
Like I said, we have been rotating through sickness in the house for at least a month. I think I personally have had something since Christmas. No fair! It is this Zombie virus, that makes you sick, you get almost all better, then it hits again. Mine hit hard the last 2 weeks in January. I couldn't get out of bed for 2 days. I'm just now regaining some motivation and functioning on more than just survival mode. Why is it so hard to take care of yourself, but you can doctor up 5 kids and a husband no problem? We'll see if we ever have all 7 of us healthy at the same time again. Fingers crossed!
Benson is OBSESSED with "building videos" lately. He will sneak upstairs while we're doing school, and find them on Youtube if I don't hide the mouse. It's just these 2 guys in some jungle place in the world, building things with minimal, primitive tools. It cracks me up how much he loves them.
The girls all ready for Sunday! Gwen helped Lindy with her hair, and they had worked hard to clean their room the day before, so they insisted on pictures. They posed themselves. :) They are my 2 that fight the most. But they also really love each other.
So much Davy cuteness!!
Ordinary school stuff :)
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September 2022
Benson turns 6! He requested a chocolate and strawberry cake where candy spills out of it. :) We went swimming at the rec center, Gwen made ...
Benson turns 6! He requested a chocolate and strawberry cake where candy spills out of it. :) We went swimming at the rec center, Gwen made ...
We finally have our baby here and life is good! This post won't be long, but I know everyone is waiting for pictures and I don't bla...