Woke up at an alarmingly late 8:30!
Felt like I was in my first trimester all over again, decided today would be a movie day
Put on some sweats, got Miles, got frustrated when he refused breakfast and all he wanted was to watch Tarzan.
Gave in, fed him bits of toast while we watched Tarzan for the one millionth time
Put my tennis shoes on, and laid on the ground waiting for Miles to come near enough to me that I could grab him and put his on.
Caught him. Strapped him in the bike trailer.
Rode "around the block" to visit sister Virgin. Was disappointed to find she wasn't there. Instead, Miles was entertained by the neighbors roosters, chickens, dogs and cats. Not to mention the number of cows we passed while riding.
Thought to myself, "I kind of like the smell of manure. Wait a second...what??" Decided it was just the style of living and the areas of the country where you smell cow manure that I like.
Got ambitious, made an effort to be a good mom and pulled out the cookie tray, layered it with corn meal and traced shapes with Miles.
He loved it for 2 minutes. Next activity.
Got even more ambitious and pulled out finger paints for the very first time. Loved it even more. Lasted 4 minutes.
I wanted to keep finger painting, but wanted Miles to have nap time even more, so I stuffed some lunch down the kid and laid him down. Breathed a sigh of relief when he didn't fight it and actually looked tired. Shouted Hallelujah when he fell asleep without a bink at naptime.
Read some scriptures etc, read some Mockingjay. Felt guilty that I read Mockingjay longer than the scriptures.
Went to the bathroom again. 99th time of the day and counting.
Did some office work for the storage units, then began painting. (The owners have "hired" us to paint the entire front area so that's where all of our free time has been going lately)
Squished myself into a corner between a toilet and a wall to try and tape off some floorboards and thought, "That is not going to be fun to paint."
Miles wakes up, we take Richie some food at work, we go to Wal-Mart and buy toilet paper and drano since Richie tells me that something may very well have crawled into our pipes and died in the bathroom because it smells so bad. You'll just have to trust me, it really does smell that bad.
Score a clearance Elmo potty book that has sound buttons for $2 and the least girly looking baby doll for $4 so that Miles can start getting used to the idea.
He immediately takes it, smothers it in root beer sucker kisses and points out facial features.
I grin like an idiot and think I have the best root beer sucker covered child in the world.
Come home, let Miles watch a movie, clean up the house so it appears to Richie as if its been like this all day. He's never fooled.
Heat up some left overs, let Miles play bubbles in the sink while I read more Mockingjay. Dang book controlling my life. Richie leaves for seminary classes and I sigh inwardly.
Don't feel like doing anything super fun. Takes too much energy. Play some toys with Miles, do some dishes.
Miles discovers the potty book and falls in love. When I ask him if he wants to go potty, he lights up and runs for the potty. (He hasn't liked it much these days, so I'm shocked and think I may have just spent the best $2 of my life.)
Bath time. Yes! Read more mockingjay. Miles wants to sing. I sing every song from nursery that he knows including the chorus to follow the prophet 23 times. When I say that song is all done he's very distraught and asks for another one. I can't understand him, but he's being very specific. I'm frustrated, he's frustrated, bad situation. Distract him with a towel.
Out of the bathtub, into pajamas, brush teeth, scriptures, (which he actually sits for since I'm reading it to the baby) put him down, don't give him a bink, listen to him cry himself to sleep again as I blog.
Now what to do....Painting or Mockingjay????