Today I am grateful for enrichment temple night, visiting teachers and the conference edition of the Ensign. I remembered one of my favorite talks from a few weeks ago, and couldn't wait to read it again. It came up in my morning reading today, and I thought I'd share some excerpts and thoughts, if you don't mind.
"Being Temperate In All Things" Elder Kent D. Watson
What is temperance exactly? *"Being temperate is to use moderation in all things or to exercise self-control."
*"Being temperate means to carefully examine our expectations and desires, to be diligent and patient in seeking righteous goals."
*"...a temperate soul-one who is humble and full of love-is also a person of increased spiritual strength. With increased spiritual strength, we are able to develop self-mastery and to live with moderation. We learn to control, or temper, our anger, vanity, and pride. With increased spiritual strength, we can protect ourselves from the dangerous excesses and destructive addictions of today's world."
How Can I Be Temperate In All Things?
* I can show maturity with our finances by saving for tomorrow, rather than buying something I
want today.
*I can be in control of my body and choose only good things to put in it, rather than eating that 15th cookie. :)
*I can pray to have a change of heart to be more full of charity and then exercise that desire often and without expecting something in return.
What Are the Blessings of Being Temperate?* "Security for our families comes from learning self-control, avoiding the excesses of this worlds, and being temperate in all things. Peace of mind comes from strengthened faith in Jesus Christ. Happiness comes from being diligent in keeping covenants made at baptism and in the holy temples of the Lord."
Definitely worth a second read.