Alright, the results are in!! After a rushed and stressful doctor's visit, we finally come to a conclusion. We're having a BOY!!! Wahoo!!!! People had been telling me lately that they thought it would be a girl because apparently I'm "carrying high". So I'd almost convinced myself it would be a girl and was getting excited, but as soon as she pointed out to me that it was a boy, I was absolutely THRILLED!!! Good thing she could tell cause I had no idea what I was looking at. He was moving around so much, it took almost 30 minutes to get him to settle down enough to make a verdict! I would post the ultrasound picture like last time, but it's not nearly as cool and it looks kind of weird :) It was really cool to be able to see him move on the screen and feel it at the same time. WOW! So, for those of you who have any advice on how to raise boys, let me know!! :) I'd better start preparing! She said he's right on track, and actually growing quickly, so we may want to plan on having him early at this point.
Oh, and for those of you who are far away and don't have the 'opportunity' of watching my belly magically expand, here's an update. :) I'm wearing a tighter shirt so that you can't actually see the bump instead of the looser shirts that kind of hide it. And there you have it!